Camco elementsUse 1-1/2" socketHigh-low density: Low watt density means heat is spread across more surface area. Low density element resists burnout Watts/ square inch = density Installing lower watt element also resists burnout. Each element has volt and watt rating printed on end of element. Do not buy more wattage or voltage than is printed on water heater label. Do not install 5500 watt element to replace 4500 watt element. Do not install 120V element on 240V water heater. It is ok to install lower watt: replace 4500 with 3500 as long as voltage is same. Lower watt means less heat, so element can last longer 240 volt 4500 watt element heats about 21-40 gallons per hour. 240 volt 3500 watt heats about 16-30 gallons per hour. Assumes full 240V is present. Water heater formulas/ pdf |
$25 - $47 5 year warranty Ultra Low Watt Density/ ripple Hard water element Resists high mineral count Minimum 15" diameter tank Buy 240 volt: 4500 watt at Amazon 4500 watt at Amazon 13" diameter 5500 watt at Amazon Camco elements at Amazon Lifetime warranty 4500 watt +limited lifetime element Reliance / no extended warranty Low density/ ripple Min 13" tank Buy 240 Volt Reliance 5500 watt ripple at Amazon Reliance elements at Amazon |
$13 - $26 5 year warranty Ultra Low Watt Density/ foldback Hard water element Resists high mineral count Check minimum tank diameter Fits any tank above minimum dia Buy 120 volt 1500 watt 120 volt 8" minimum Buy 240 volt: 2500 watt at Amazon 3500 watt at Amazon 4500 watt at Amazon 5500 watt at Amazon Warranties do not cover dry fire (electricity ON before tank is full of water). Resource: Read about dry fire/ pdf page 2 |
$10 - $16 Camco/ no extended warranty Low Watt Density/ foldback Check minimum tank diameter Fits any tank above minimum dia Buy 240 volt: 2500 watt at Amazon 3500 watt at Amazon 4500 watt at Amazon 4500 watt 12 pack 5500 watt at Amazon 6000 watt at Amazon/ 17" minimum tank (6000 watts requires 8 gauge wire) Elements on this webpage are rated for AC voltages. AC elements with work with DC But Thermostats will melt with DC |
$10 - $12 Camco/ no extended warranty/ High Watt Density Standard on all new water heater Can use foldback as replacement Match volts and watts Check minimum tank diameter 120 Volt point-of-use water heater Buy 120 volt: 1000 watt 120 volt 8" tank diameter 1500 watt 120 volt 8' tank diameter 1650 watt 120 volt 7.5" minimum 1750 watt 120 volt 9" minimum 2000 watt 120 volt 9" minimum 120 Volt elements at Amazon Buy 240 volt 1500 watt at Amazon 2000 watt 12 pack 2500 watt at Amazon 3000 watt at Amazon 3500 watt at Amazon 3800 watt at Amazon 4000 watt at Amazon 4500 watt at Amazon 4500 watt 12 pack |
Element is resistive load Light bulb is resistive load When voltage drops, light bulb dims and element gives off less heat. Low voltage can cause less hot water Test element before replacing |
straightforward. Look at watts and volts
printed on end of each
element. Volts: Match volts shown on element with volts shown on label on side of water heater. Watts: Label on side of tank shows volts and watts for upper element & lower element & total connected watts (max wattage consumption of appliance) When selecting element, buy same wattage or less wattage... keep volts the same. Some tanks have higher wattage on upper element, and lower wattage on lower element... might save money Density: All new water heaters come with high density elements. Replace with high or low density as long as watts and volts are same. No loss of efficiency or faster heater by choosing either low or high density. Lower watt density tend to last longer. Lower wattage can also last longer. Low density foldback elements including Camco 5-year warranty elements (shown above) are for problem water with high mineral content Residential: Both elements are never ON at same time... upper element is ON -or lower element is ON -or both elements are OFF Resource: Figure volts amps watts for water heater How electric water heaters work DC resources for photovoltaic solar panels: Yes. Ordinary element will work with Solar Panel (DC photovoltaic). Elements work fine, However high voltage DC amps melt thermostats. Read how to convert AC water heater to DC/ high voltage Convert AC water heater to DC/ low voltage |
Connect water heater to different voltage |
higher than element rating: result element burns out. Connect 277 volt or 480 volt to element rated 240 volt 4500 watt, and elements burn hotter and burn out Connect 240 volt to element rated 120 volt 1500 watt element, and element burns 4x hotter 6000 watts and burns out Voltage lower than element rating: result element heats less water per hour Connect 208 volt or 120 volt to element rated 240 volt 4500 watt element, and elements burn cooler and heat less hot water per hour Connect 120 volt to element rated 240 volt 4500 watt element, and element burns 1/4 power and heats at 1125 watts. Good for off-peak or generator. Connect water heater to 120 volts Connect water heater to generator |
Dry fire/ warranty |
No water covering
element when power is turned on => elements
burn out immediately => called dry fire. Upper elements dry-fire. Lower elements do not dry-fire .... on ordinary residential 2-element tank. When tank is filled with water, then upper element turns on first... and lower element does not receive power until top of tank is heated. If upper element dry-fires, then upper part of tank is not heated, so power never gets to lower part of tank. Lower element does not dry-fire. Warranties do not cover dry-fire. Be sure tank is full of water before turning power ON. When filling tank, open tub spout on hot side. When water flows from tub spout, tank is |
Rheem elementsUse 1-1/2" socketResistored is unique to Rheem which claims longer life because resistor is added. No science supports the claim of longer life, but resistorized might resist dry-fire. Cold resistance: measuring ohms across both screw when no wires are attached to element and element is not heated. Test element 240 volt 4500 watt elements will produce 3800 watt at 208 volt 480 volt elements shown on right are two-wire. Same watts at higher volts draws less amperage. Any 2-wire element 208 240 277 480 Volt can be used on commercial water heaters that are rated single-pole or 3-phase non-balanced. Balanced delta, wye, 3-and-6-wire 3-phase elements are not covered here. See wiring for 3-phase balanced |
per element Resistored Rheem/ no extended warranty Low Watt Density/ foldback Buy 240 volt/ resistored: 4500 watt resistorized at Amazon 6000 watt resistorized at Amazon Resistored elements Buy 208 volt: 2000 watt 208 volt at Amazon Buy 480 volt (can be used single-phase or 3-phase element non-balanced): 4500 watt 480 volt at Amazon 5000 watt 480 volt Buy 277 volt: 2000 watt 277 volt at Amazon 6000 watt 277 volt copper 6000 watt 277 volt stinless |
- $30 per element Rheem/ no extended warranty Low Watt Density/ foldback Minimum 14" diameter tank Buy 240 volt/ copper non- resistorized: 4500 watt copper 240 volt Buy 240 volt/ stainless steel non- resistorized: 4500 non-resistorized Amazon 5500 non-resistorized Amazon Rheem elements at Amazon |
- $12 per element Rheem/ no extended warranty NON-resistorized copper I know of no advantage of copper vrs stainless steel or other materials High Watt Density Buy: 120 volt copper: 2000 watt 120 volt Buy: 240 volt copper: 1500 watt 240 volt 2000 watt 240 volt at Amazon 3000 watt 240 volt 3000 watt 240 volt 5500 watt 240 volt |
Use 1-1/2" socket to remove elementsBuy:Camco element socket Tekton water heater socket Deep impact socket $20 16" breaker bar fits impact socket $7 Ordinary Residential element wrench Today's hex-head elements have rounded corners, and thinner profile. Making it difficult to hold wrench on element while turning. Socket is easier to use than ordinary element wrench. Use weight of water: Loosen element while tank is full of water. Then drain tank before unscrewing element. |
- $30 per element Camco/ 5 year warranty Low density foldback Hard water element Resists high mineral count Buy 240 Volt 4500 watt 240 volt 5500 watt 240 volt Warranties do not cover dry fire (electricity ON before tank full of water). Resource: Read about dry fire/ pdf page |
- $20 per element Camco/ no extended warranty Low density foldback Minimum Tank diameter varies Buy 240 Volt universal flange 4500 watt 240 volt 13' tank 4500 watt 12 pack 4500 watt 240 volt 9" diameter Buy 240 Volt flat flange 4500 watt 240 volt 13" tank 4500 watt 240 volt 15" tank |
- $20 per element Camco/ no extended warranty High density Minimum Tank diameter varies Buy 120 Volt 6-9" diameter tank 1500 watt 120 volt 9" tank 2000 watt 120 volt 9" tank Buy 240 Volt 1500 watt 240 volt 8" tank 2500 watt 240 volt 10" tank 2500 watt 6 pack 3000 watt 240 volt 12" tank 3000 watt flat flange 14" tank 3500 watt 240 volt 14" tank 4000 watt 240 volt 15" tank 4500 watt 240 volt 15" tank |
- $10 per element Larger image/ uses 3/8" screws Convert flange to screw-type Convert round, flat and universal For any standard water heater Buy: Camco adapter kit Reliance adapter kit American Water Heater adapter Rheem adapter flange Resource: How to install adapter kit /pdf page 2 |
Elements + Thermostats kitsTherm-o-disc and Aprom style and other type thermostats are interchangeableBuy: Water heater thermostats at Amazon Buy commercial thermostat Camco (commercial only) Camco (commercial only) Commercial has higher temperature range that exceeds tank rating for residential water heaters Resource How to replace thermostats |
$48 for 2 elements 2 thermostats Buy low density kit: Apcom plumbers pack Amazon 2 low density 240 Volt 4500 watt elements/ Upper and lower thermostat All brands of thermostats are interchangeable 110°-160° Resource How to replace thermostats |
$35 for 2 elements 2 thermostats Buy high density kit: Apcom plumbers pack Amazon 2 high density 240 volt 4500 watt elements + Upper and lower thermostat All brands of thermostats are interchangeable 110°-160° Resource How to replace thermostats |
$45 for 2
elements 2 thermostats Buy low or high density kit: Therm-O-disc low density plumbers pack Therm-O-disc high density plumbers pack Therm-O-disc high density Therm-o-disc/ copper element 2 low or high density 240 Volt 4500 watt elements/ + Upper and lower thermostat 90°-150° All brands of thermostats are interchangeable Resource How to replace thermostats |
Rheem marathon element Use 1-7/8 element wrench 1.5" UNF not 1" NPSM 12-14 threads per inch vrs 11.5 Read parts .pdf before buying Buy: 1-7/8" water heater element wrench SP610160/ 4500 watt copper SP213670/ 4500 watt SP210197/ 3800 watt SP210201/ 3000 watt SP210198/ 3800 watt SP213480/ 3000 watt SP213540/ 2000 watt SP610130/ 3800 watt SP213820/ 3800 watt SP610140/ 5500 watt SP610150/ 3000 watt Resources Marathon parts sheet/ pdf |
Elements are 1" straight thread/11.5 threads per inch/ Convert element port to 1" pipe threadAdapt element NPSH straight thread to NPT pipe thread NPSM thread Buy: 1x1 at Amazon Suburban 1440 watt element |
Stainless 1" nut/11.5 threads per inch/ Convert element port to 1" pipe threadAdapt element NPSH straight thread to NPT pipe thread NPSM thread Buy: 1" NPT nut at Amazon |
Marathon bushing ... convert to regular element Resource: Marathon bushing | |
Identify Element wattage and voltageWatt rating of tank appears on label on side of tankMatch same watt rating of new and old elements. Smaller wattage is ok. Larger wattage is not ok. Product warranty, and electrical safety code, support same-wattage or smaller-wattage element. Do not use larger wattage element than shows on water heater label. 12 gauge wire and 20 amp breaker, use max 3800 watt element 10 gauge wire and 30 amp breaker, use max 6000 watt element What size wire do you have? Buy short pieces 10 and 12 gauge wire and compare with your wire Resources: Choose wire and breaker Figure volts amps watts for water heater Water heater is tripping breaker |
Buy smaller wattage or same wattage elementLarger wattage voids product warranty, plus possible fire hazard.Smaller wattage will NOT void product warranty. Smaller is better: will cause electrical breaker to run cooler, and element and breaker last longer. Smaller wattage will heat water less quickly. Resources: 240Volt / 4500 watt element heats 21 gallons per hour; 3500 heats 16 gallons per hour See chart Clean old elements using white vinegar Elements are sold at local hardware or home center, or on-line. Buy extra to keep on hand. See ways to increase amount of hot water How to select right water heater element .pdf |
1) Before replacing element: Press reset button and see if heater worksPress reset button. Put ear against tank and listen for bubbly fizzing soundIf reset button will not reset and lock in place, then replace thermostat If reset keeps tripping, then element might be one cause: read reset keeps tripping Resources: How to replace thermostat Buy water heater thermostats at Amazon |
2) Before replacing element: Reset circuit breakerPush breaker fully OFF and then fully ONIf breaker will not reset, then elements might be the problem, move wires to another same-size breaker like dryer circuit If water heater works fine on different same-size breaker, then replace breaker: read how to replace circuit breaker If breaker resets but keeps tripping, then elements might be the problem: read water heater is tripping breaker Resources: Water heater is tripping circuit breaker How to replace circuit breaker |
3) Before replacing element: Test if water heater is getting VoltageTest across top two screws on upper thermostatTape tester leads to wood sticks... keep hands away from live power If voltage does not show on tester, then power coming to water heater is suspect 4) No Hot water / Less Hot water can be bad element/ or bad thermostatsTest elements as shown below. If elements check out, then replace thermostatsIf upper element is bad, there will be no hot water 5) Very hot water can be shorted element/ or bad thermostatsTest each element screw to metal tank as shown belowIf elements are OK, then replace thermostats How to replace thermostats Troubleshoot resources |
6) Before replacing element: Test elementLess hot water and no hot water indicate possible element failure, or thermostat failure, or low voltage etc. Test elements.Requires multimeter/ power is off/ do not drain tank/ remove wires from element/ takes 10 minutes Look at volts watts printed on end of element/ Put battery in multimeter/ Set multimeter to read ohms/ Ω symbol No wires on element. Test for ohms across both screws on element/ volts squared divided by watts = ohms Test for ohms between each screw and the steel tank/ should read zero Step by step: How to test elements Buy multimeter at Amazon |
Larger image |
7) General troubleshootIf there is some hot water, then upper element is good. Test lower element. Action: How to test water heater elementIf both elements are good. Action: Push reset button, reset circuit breaker before replacing both thermostats Overheating, or very hot water: Action: test both elements before replacing both thermostats. Read more Reset button keeps tripping: Action: test both elements before replacing thermostats. Read more NO hot water: Action: Press reset button. Fully reset circuit breaker, test both elements. Read more New water heater, or repaired water heater not working: Read action If voltage is reduced, then watt-consumption of element is also reduced. This can cause hot water shortage: Read more More resources: How to remove stuck element How to test water heater element |
Screw-in elements |
Elements burn out frequently? buy low watt density or lower wattage1) Use smaller watt element.Change 4500 watt element to 3500 watt. 2) Or buy low density element. Buy: Low density element at Amazon Low density element at Amazon/ 'lifetime' See Low density image |
3 lead or 6 leads on each element, depending on Delta or Wye. Wye can have 3 leads, and Wye or Delta can have 6 leads 3-phase has 3 Hot wires arriving from breaker box 3-phase has A B C hot leads Basically there are 3 elements in one. Each element pulls same amps so load is balanced. Contrast: Unbalanced 3-phase water heater has 2 ordinary elements. Hot A feeds 1 leg of element 1, Hot B feeds 1 leg element 2 Hot C feed 1 leg of element 1 and 1 leg of element 2. |
3-phase elements/ 3UBuy:3U Bundled Elements at Amazon Resources for 3-phase elements Unbalanced 3-phase: 3-phase non-balanced elements are same as elements shown above See wiring for 3-phase non-balanced Balanced 3-phase: Commercial 3-phase balanced elements are not covered here See wiring for 3-phase balanced Any 3-phase non-balanced water heater can be converted to single-phase See 3-phase to single-phase conversion wiring What is 3-phase See 3-phase electric water heater service manual |
Electric Solar panel connected to electric water heaterOrdinary water heater elements work with DC powerOrdinary water heater thermostats will work fine with 12-48 volt DC, but will melt with high voltage DC power Example 400 watt 24 volt DC element will raise 1.84 gallons from 60° to 120° each hour Typical shower is 106 degrees F 240 volt DC can be connected directly to 240 V element and heat 21 gallons per hour You can also get slower water heating using low voltage 12-24 VDC and using a single-U or double-U DC element Buy from my associate links: DC Element at Amazon Single U element at Amazon Double U element at Amazon Resource: How to convert AC water heater to DC/ high voltage How to convert AC water heater to DC/ low voltage Solar safety Kwh needed to heat water Review solar glycol water heater |
Larger image |
tools ready: Flashlight, long water hose, washing machine hose, voltage tester, duct tape, cordless screwdriver, flat tip screwdriver, phillips screwdriver, channel locks (big pliers) Replacement element, element wrench Short hoses for vacuuming out sediment Shop vac and extension cord... remove bag and filter from shop vac so it will work with wet sediment from water heater |
Step 1: Turn power OFF | |
assume power is OFF/ Test for power Always check for power before starting. Use non-contact voltage tester on wire, on outlet, on timer, on element, on thermostat etc to see if power is present. Press button on tester, if single beep then no power is present. If continuous beep then power is present. Use at top of heater... use it at each element Safety: Never stand on bare soil or wet surface, always stand on dry boards, do not hold or touch anything metal when working on timer or water heater that has power, tape tester leads to wood sticks, never touch wet water heater, or flooded water heater, or timer that had a short or fire without turning power OFF. Buy: Multimeters at Amazon Simple multimeter/ Test continuity or voltage Buy non-contact voltage tester at Amazon Electric testers at Amazon Shop Amazon - Industrial and scientific Shop Amazon - Industrial Electric Products Resource: How to test if water heater electricity is off |
See larger |
2: Remove hose cap
using channel locks Hose cap prevents drips Have one ready, in event valve leaks when finished Righty tighty/ lefty loosey Rotate hose cap counterclock wise to loosen Buy: Hose caps on Amazon |
Step 2a: See if tank
drain Do NOT turn off water <> full pressure is needed Connect garden hose to water heater. Put hand on the white valve ... as if it was a door knob... then ... Rotate tank drain counter-clockwise to open. See if water comes out end of hose. Wait... Do Not drain tank yet Weight of water inside tank will hold tank in place when loosening element. |
drain? Connect washing machine hose to water heater drain-valve <> Connect garden hose between outdoor spigot and washing machine hose <> turn on outdoor spigot for a few seconds so water pressure flushes tank open Resources What to do if water heater will not drain How to replace drain valve My house: images of garden hose and washing machine hose |
Step 3:
Turn off cold water Turn off water going into water heater. Do this by shutting off water valve just above water heater -or- close main shut-off valve to house This will stop all hot water going to each faucet |
4: Open tub valve ON HOT SIDE only
This will release hot water pressure This will let air into line so water heater will drain Leave tub valve open so at end of job you know when tank is full of water before electricity is turned back on. |
Step 5:
Remove outside cover, inside insulation, and plastic element cover Cover and insulation must be put back when finished. Otherwise thermostat will not read correct temperature. |
Remove plastic thermostat covers Upper and lower parts of tank use different cover Start by unlatching cover at top Some covers also latch on each side, while other slide off Purpose of cover is to prevent electric hazard when adjusting temperature while power is ON Make sure power is OFF when performing this step... use non-contact voltage tester Buy: Upper element terminal protector Lower element terminal protector Resource: How to replace thermostats |
See Larger |
Step 6:
Check for Burned wire melted parts Use nose to check for burned smell. Use eyes to look for burned and melted parts Damaged wire can be caused by sediment filling bottom of the tank and then overheating element. Resource: How to test water heater wires |
back damaged
wire Any damaged wire must be repaired Use wire nut to extend wire if necessary Usual wire size for inside of tanks is #12 solid copper wire/ never replace with stranded wire Test wires How to test water heater wires |
Choose Element
wrench or socket Lightweight 1-1/2" element wrench available hardware store, home center, plumbing supply Best is 1-1/2" socket I use socket because it grabs the element easier Buy: Water heater element socket 1-1/2" at Amazon Heating element wrenches at Amazon Camco heavy duty element socket Marathon elements are 1-7/8" |
purchase: Electric impact wrench for elements Use for removal of element only. Do not tighten element with impact wrench Buy: Impact wrenches at Amazon Special 1-1/2" socket for elements |
Step 8:
SLIGHTLY Loosen element while tank is full of water Loosen element SLIGHTLY while tank is FULL Why? So weight of water will hold tank while you push on and twist wrench Turn element wrench counter-clockwise Must push on wrench to keep it in position on element, or wrench will slip off Do not remove element completely until tank is empty -or- water will flood out hole Also good time to check anode rod How to replace anode rod |
to remove stuck element/ open the link Torch, WD40, drill bolt holes and remove with wrench, use impact wrench Make sure water heater is full of water / for weight / when loosening element Resource: Remove rusted/stuck element |
Step 9:
Drain tank Open drain valve located at bottom of tank |
10: Remove element and old O ring --- after tank is
Take out old element Element will have rubber ring that seals the tank. Remove O ring and element. Before going further, Check inside tank for loose pipe coming from top <> broken dip tube causes reduced hot water and wasted electricity Resources: Dip tubes Anode rod |
11: Assemble shop vac and hoses
Remove bag from shop vac so it will operate as wet vac I use the hoses that are shown on left. The element opening is 1" in diameter Garden hose bends into tank 3/4" PVC is nice fit with garden hose 1" clear tube fits 3/4" PVC 30" piece of 1/2" CPVC reaches back of tank Check there are no holes in the hose so you get good suction Resource: My house: image of my shop vac Buy: Wet dry vacs at Amazon |
12: Vacuum out tank Tape hoses together with duct tape. Clear package tape also works. Masking tape does not work. Turn vacuum ON. Insert hose or pipe. Move hose or pipe around. Remove and clean end of hose or pipe as needed. Clear tube is handy Length of 1" clear tube lets you see if sediment is flowing past. Sediment is a slurry of water and calcium carbonate that clogs the pipe easily <> so it's handy when you can see when the stuff is flowing past. Short piece of garden hose bends into tank. Use 1/2" cpvc to break up debris Protect carpet from rusty water Buy: Duct tape from Amazon/ best seller Shop vacs at Amazon |
doesn't have to be perfect
It will not be perfect... that's ok Buy Tank rinser at Amazon Resource How to clean tank and household pipes with bleach How to maintain water heater |
14: Check
new element & O ring Put new O ring in place Use new O ring> Do not re-use old O ring Test new element if you want: Resource: How to test element for continuity See Larger |
15: Clean
opening and install element Wipe off around opening. Do NOT use teflon tape or any sealant > not necessary unless tank is damaged |
16: Tighten element Don't over tighten, a firm snug is enough |
17: Attach
wires to either screw Tighten screws very tight against copper wire Only solid copper wire, No insulation under the screw head Note: the burned wire was cut back and replaced with good copper wire and with solid insulation |
Step 18:
Close drain & put covers on Close drain <> put cover and insulation on <> turn on water Do NOT turn power ON until tank is full of water Insulation must be reinstalled over thermostat Do not turn on circuit breaker until tank is full of water Drain valve drips??? Use garden hose cap if drain valve drips Buy brass garden hose cap at amazon Resources: How to replace drain valve |
drain will not stop dripping: add brass hose cap Pick up plastic hose cap at local big-box-store, and replace later with brass hose cap Buy: Brass hose caps at Amazon |
Wait to turn on breaker |
Do NOT turn power On ..... until tank is full: Wait for tank to fill Water heater elements must be immersed in water or they will burn out instantly Burn out is called dry fire, and is not covered by element warranty. Replace burned out element with new element. |
Step 19:
Wait for tank to fill Open bathtub spout ON HOT SIDE only After water heater fills with water, water will start to come out bathtub valve 40 gallon tank might fill in 15-20 minutes or less |
is running on HOT side. Tank is full. ✔ Bathtub hot water side is running with no air gaps <> turn off tub <> momentarily open TP valve on water heater to bleed last of water <> turn on circuit breaker |
20: Turn
power On Turn on breaker <> put ear against water heater <> bubbly fizzing sound says it's working <> wait 10 minutes to see if water is getting hot. Put EAR against side of tank and listen for bubbly fizzing sound 4500 watt tank heats 21 gallons per hour 240 volt, 40 gallon tank, with 4500 watt elements will take 2 hours to heat completely |
21: Clean out shop vac/
Let vac dry before putting lid on Hang up hose so it will dry/ shake out hose a few days later Shop vac must be cleaned out Put debris in a bucket so it will dry Calcium carbonate is not harmful to environment |
Job is finished | |
21: What if tank is not working?
Read 'repaired water heater is not working' |
Technical information |
heater efficiency: Electric water heaters operate at 99% efficiency Gas water heaters operate at 69% efficiency Tankless gas heaters operate at 80% efficiency High-efficiency tank-type gas heaters at 96% efficiency 'Efficiency' is not same as 'energy saving' . All costs are energy: Consider total cost of water heater: Cost of unit, cost of installation, projected repairs, whether repairs are do-it-yourself, if parts are generic and available locally, true life expectancy of unit, monthly energy bill over life of unit, and disposal-replacement cost > read more Other factor will weigh eventually including direct carbon emissions released at each home from gas appliances. All costs are energy: If there was a breakthrough water heater that suddenly lowered people's bills, and reduced overall energy consumption, people would be waving their monthly bill in the air and everybody would know. There is no news. Choose lowest overall cost water heater to save energy. Research pdf: water-softener/water-heater efficiency comparison Read do-it-yourself: 9 ways to save with a water heater |
of hard-water WITH
water-softener Efficiency of gas and electric water heaters is unchanged over time when hard water is softened, however softened water corrodes anode rod and will reduce life of water heater unless anode rod inspected and replaced every 2 years. Once anode rod is 50-75% corroded, water heater tank begins to rust. This condition leads to leaking water heater which cannot be repaired. Rusted water heaters can rupture and cause massive damage as water runs until problem is discovered. Read more & See Anode rod options |
Effect of hard-water with NO water-softener: > Efficiency of gas heater drops 6-8% after two years > cleaning tank of sediment build-up will not restore full efficiency > however, regular flushing to prevent sediment maintains efficiency > Tankless gas heater will fail when pressure sensor clogs with sediment within 2-3 years depending on hardness of water > regular de-liming will not restore efficiency > softener and filter are required > Efficiency of electric heater stays at 99% until sediment reaches bottom element > cleaning tank and replacing lower element restores full efficiency > regular flushing to prevent sediment build-up also maintains efficiency Research pdf: water-softener/water-heater efficiency comparison |
Water-softener reduces life of anode rod in gas and electric water heaters Water heater manual says: "Artificially softened water is exceedingly corrosive because the process substitutes sodium ions for magnesium and calcium ions. The use of water softener may decrease life of water heater tank." Six-year tanks come with 1 anode rod. Read manual. Generally, tanks with longer warranties come with 2 anode rods. Anode rod options |
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