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What is 277 volt
Covered on this page: 277 volt is a common standard single-phase voltage in the US that is derived from 480 volt commercial 3-phase service.

Covered on separate page: 277 volt can also be achieved by converting another service voltage into 277 volt using a small on-site transformer,  Buck boost transformers

In all cases, 480 volt 3-phase WYE is required to achieve 277 volt single phase because of standardization of voltages and the mathematics of electricity.
Use only 600 volt wire.
Lamp cord, extension cords are not rated 600 volt.
Use copper wire only. Aluminum wire is fire risk and should be avoided or installed by professional.

30 amp breaker use 10 gauge /
120-240 volt 30 amp outlet can be installed on 30 amp breaker only/ use 10 gauge wire ... cannot be connected to 15-20-40 amp breaker.

Orange/ #10 gauge wire, with ground ... 30 amp capacity. Safe maximum: 30 x 80% = 24 amps.
10-2 gauge/ 30 amp
10-3/ 30 amp
Southwire electric tools
Yellow 12 gauge 20 amp
120 volt 20 amp outlet can be installed on 20 amp breaker, but not 15 amp breaker/ use 12 ga wire.
... cannot be connected to 30-40 amp breaker.

Yellow/ #12 gauge wire, with ground ... 20 amp capacity. Safe maximum 16 amps.
12-2 gauge/ 20 amp
12-3/ 20 amp

NMB is house wiring
UF is underground
Rolls of stranded wire
White 14 gauge 15 amp
120 volt 15 amp outlet, AFCI, GFCI, timer, switch etc can be installed on 15 or 20 amp breaker. Never connect 15 gauge wire to 20-30-40 amp breaker.

White/ #14 gauge wire,  with ground ... 15 amp capacity. Safe maximum 12 amps.
14-2 gauge/ 15 amp
14-3/ 15 amp

NMB is house wiring
UF is underground
50-60 amp breaker use 6 gauge /
240 volt 50 outlet can be installed on 50 amp breaker only
6-2 wire
6-2 wire
Southwire electric tools
NMB is house wiring
UF is underground
40-50 amp breaker use 8 gauge /
240 volt 40 amp outlet can be installed on 40 or 50 amp breaker only
6-2 wire
8-2 wire
Southwire electric tools
NMB is house wiring
UF is underground
Copper ground wire.
Every device, load, metal enclosure etc must be grounded. Ground wire must be continuous throughout installation, never switched on-off, never used as a Neutral wire.
Generally ... use same size as other wire in circuit
12 gauge copper ground wire
Ground wire
Green ground wire
Ground pigtails
Ground rods/ ground clamps at Amazon
armored cable
Armored cable can be used as a grounded connection, and will protect wires from damage. Metal can be energized from an insulation failure.

Non metallic flexible cables must carry ground wire, but does not have hazard of short circuit causing injury from shock.

All conduit ...metal, plastic ... flexible and rigid ... must be attached to structure, and attached to enclosures, boxes.
Movement, damage and deterioration are major cause of electrical failure.
Armored cable
Southwire armored cable cutter
Non-metallic flexible conduit
Power whip
Pull boxes
Southwire armored cable cutter
Electrical tools must be insulated.
Always best to disconnect power, but issues of insulation failure, lack of proper grounding, lack of GFCI, out-of-code wiring, generator operating without transfer switch, and other problems pose a risk to anyone working on electric power.

Electrician tools kits
Klein tools
Tools kits
stranded wire
12 ga Stranded wire is good for conduit with multiple wires ... but stranded cannot be installed under screw terminals on outlets, switches, timers etc without risk ... of heat causing splayed strands ....that come loose ... and begin to arc. Connect stranded to short piece of solid copper wire, and attach solid to screw terminal. Do not solder residential or commercial wiring.
Rolls of stranded wire

Protect wiring from damage
Use nipper instead of pliers or screwdriver for removing staples (and nails). Do not damage cable or wires inside cable.

-Code says: Cable SHALL BE secured without damage to the outer covering. NEC sec. 336-15
End cutting nippers at Amazon

Electrically insulated tools
When removing insulation from wire, do NOT score or put cuts on surface of copper wire. Doing so increases resistances and heat on wire and creates possible weak point.
Buy tools:
Wire strippers at Amazon
Linesman pliers
Utility knife at Amazon
Voltage is tested across two separate wires. Ohms or resistance is tested across both ends of same wire. Amperage is tested along one or two points on same wire.
Analog multimeter
Multimeters at Amazon
Klein multimeter
Electric testers at Amazon
Clampmeter for testing amp flow on line
277 volts is a standard single-phase voltage that comes from 4-wire 3 phase 480 volt commercial electric service.

Fig-1 shows 2 different commercial electric services:
- 3-phase 480-480-480-277 volt WYE in the background ....
- 3-phase 240-208-120 High Leg Delta in the foreground.
Each service looks the same, each has 3 transformers, and each transformer bank provides 4-wire 3-phase to the end user, but only one service has 277 volt ... circled in pink in the background. The difference is how the 3 transformers are wired.  Larger image

Commercial electric services typically have three transformers as seen in Fig-1.
Transformers are required to convert 3-phase 7200 volt distribution power into usable standard voltages like 277 volt.
Note: A 'service' is the voltage and amount of power (KVa) that is supplied from the grid to the building.

277 volts a standard voltage available in the US, found in commercial applications such as business or buildings.
480-480-480-277 volt is one of several 3-phase electric services that can be installed by the power company. Other commonly used standard commercial voltages can include 208-208-208-120, 240-208-120 high leg, 480-415-240 high leg, 600-600-600-347 etc.

Voltages are a function of power generation, mathematics of electricity, transformer configuration, availability of conductive materials, cost, safety, and need for standardization.
Standardization makes it possible to mass produce electric wire, switches, appliances etc. It also means standard electric practices, and allows power companies to generate electric power that is shared across interconnected grids.

Transformers are used throughout the grid to raise and lower voltages as needed

Power plant generators produce four wire 3-phase that is transmitted over 3 Hot wires accompanied by a 4th wire called the Neutral. The Neutral is bonded to a ground (earth) connection at each pole, substation, end user service etc, forming a giant array of grounding that stabilizes the grid.
On the customer side of the 480-277 volt service, there are still 3 Hot wires and the Neutral is used with any one of the three 480 volt Hot wires to produce 2-wire single-phase 277 volt.

Fig-2 shows the 3 Hot wires and Neutral connecting to three transformers at local drug store. The high voltage distribution wires are bare, while the secondary wires that drop into the building are insulated.

Four wires are standard for electric transmission and distribution to commercial buildings ... with each hot wire requiring a separate transformer that is needed to reduce high voltage into usable standard voltages.

Inside each transformer are 2 sets of coils, called the primary coil and secondary coil. When voltage is applied to the primary coil, it energizes the secondary coil. Different voltages can be achieved by varying the number of wraps or turns of wire in each coil. This called the turns ratio, with more turns on the primary than the secondary coil. The power company must install 3 transformers, each with the correct turns ratio to convert 7200 volt into 480 volt.

The high voltage distribution wires connect to the 3 primary coils located inside the 3 transformers, while the customer side wires connect to the 3 secondary coils inside each transformer.
3-phase 277-480 volt service
Full image
3-phase arrives at building
Commercial voltages and 277 volt:
-Typical buildings, businesses and factories have 3 transformers that provide three-phase service.
The 3-phase 480-277 volt service is the source for 277 volt, but not every commercial installation has 277 volt, unless specified for the service.
Why select 480-277 volt? Higher voltages like 480-277 are more efficient for motors and large area uses than lower voltages like 208 and 240 volt etc.

How it happens: If a 480-270 volt service is specified, then the power company connects three-phase 7200 volt distribution lines to the three transformers on the primary side. Correct wiring is selected on the secondary side to produce 480-480-480-270 Volt for the customer.

-The resulting service gives 3 wiring options:
3-wire 3-phase 480 volt for motors etc
2 wire 480 volt single-phase for lights etc
2-wire 277 volt single-phase for lights and other circuits

With this type of 3-phase service:
480 is the hot-to-hot line voltage,
277 is the hot-to-neutral phase voltage.

120 volt for ordinary plug-in outlets is available by stepping down 277 volt using small on-site transformer. (#23, #63 acme transformer wiring)
Difference between single-phase and 3-phase
What is 208 volt
Identify transformer configurations
What is 3 phase
On-site transformers
Inside the 3 transformers
Fig-4 from JEA.com shows 3 transformers and the coils inside each transformer for a 480-277 volt WYE-WYE service, same as illustration above.
  Resource1  Resource2

To achieve 480-277V on the customer side, or secondary side, the correct transformers with the correct turns ratio to convert the primary voltage into 480-277 must be installed and then transformers connected in WYE configuration on the secondary side.

The high-voltage primary wires A B C connect to H1 tap on each of the 3 transformers. The H2 taps on each of the 3 transformers are connected together and connected to the N Neutral. The Neutral wire is always bonded to the ground wire that is connected to the ground rod.
This describes a WYE primary configuration.

If the Primary side was Delta, the transformers would look the same, but the Primary wires would connect differently. See delta configuration

On the secondary side, each transformer has X1 tap that is connected to a-b-c Hot wires. The X2 taps on all 3 transformers are connected together, and then connected to the N Neutral wire. The Neutral wire is always bonded to the ground wire that is connected to the ground rod. This describes a WYE secondary configuration. 480-277 volt requires a WYE connection on the secondary as shown. See delta secondary configuration

Note the Line voltage, or Hot to Hot is 480 volts. The phase voltage, or Hot to Neutral is 277 volts.
This shows that 1 Hot wire and 1 Neutral wire are required for 277 volt connection.
This means that 277 volt is a 2-wire connection and not a 3-wire connection. Since 277 volts is 2 wire, then it is alway single-phase, that is derived from 3-phase480 volt service.
Likewise, an electrician can connect 2 Hot wires and achieve 480 volt single-phase.
Source for illustration

Phasor diagrams
are simple way to show transformer connections.
Phasor diagrams are used for Secondary or Primary, depending on what is being explained.
Start with the secondary connections from Fig 4 above, and then simplify into the Phasor diagram that summarizes the wires coming off a transformer bank.

There are 3 transformers. each with X1  X2
The phasor diagram represents the X2 taps as a single connected point in center.
The resulting 3-phase service is wired in WYE ... so each transformer is wired in parallel with 3 Hot wires and a shared Neutral point.

Fig-W2 shows the 'phasor diagram' for 480-480-480-277 volt WYE

A phasor diagram is a shorthand method for showing the three secondary coils inside each transformer.
Fig-W2 only shows the 3 secondary coils ... it does not show the 7200 volt primary coils.
The three secondary coils are represented by curled lines that share a common neutral point located in the center.
The neutral point represents actual field wiring where one end of each transformer coil is connected to the same Neutral wire.

Relationship between 480 volt and 277 volt
The mathematical relationship of voltages with 3 phase is calculated using √3 or 1.732, meaning that 480 volt divided by √3 or 1.732 = 277 volt.
Fig-W2 shows that 277 volt is achieved using one Neutral wire and any one of the three 480 volt Hot wires. This means 277 volt uses 2 wires to complete a circuit, and therefore 277 volt is single-phase, not 3-phase.
It also means 480 volt 3-phase WYE service is required to achieve 277 volt single phase ... with 480 as the hot-to-hot line voltage, while 277 volt is the hot-to-neutral phase voltage calculated using the ratio of √3 or 1.732.

Sources for 480 volt WYE and Delta
If the three secondary coils are wired in parallel, it is called a WYE (or star) configuration as seen Fig-W2.
If the three secondary coils are wired in series, or end to end, then it is called a Delta configuration as seen Fig-D2 and Fig-D3.

There are 3 choices of transformer wiring that provide 480 volt to end user:
a) 480-415-240 high leg delta with Neutral at midpoint on one transformer coil (Fig-D2)
b) 480-480-480 volt Delta without Neutral (Fig-D3) Note that small on-site transformer can produce single phase 277 volt from 480V delta (#31 acme transformer wiring)
c) 480-480-480-277 volt WYE with a Neutral (Fig-W2).
Only the 480-480-480-277 volt WYE can produce 277 volts.

Variety of standard voltages:
-Different transformers and different wiring configurations allow selection of voltage choices for business and industry with 3 wire and 4 wire varieties of WYE and Delta including 208-120, 240-120, 480-277V and 600-347V etc, with 480V being the Hot-to-Hot line voltage, and 277 being the Hot-to-Neutral phase voltage calculated using a ratio of √3 or 1.732.

Residential homes have 120-240 volt single phase
-In the US, there are usually no choices for residential homes, and 120-240 is standard. This means you would encounter 277 volts in a building or business, but not at a residential house or apartment.

-Voltages are not exact:
For example a 240 volt service can provide 250 volt, 236 volts, etc and still be within acceptable range. Typically, anything less or more than 80% rated value can cause failure. In a commercial setting, a non-standard voltage can be changed to standard using buck boost transformer
Buck boost transformers
Basic household wiring
What is 3-phase
How to wire 3-phase
Neutral currents in 3-phase WYE .pdf
3-phase wye with neutralLarger image
480-277 volt 4-wire 3-phase

Fig 6. is a phasor diagram that shows the wiring connections for 3-phase WYE on the secondary side.  It does not show coils and connections on the primary side.
It also shows the ground wire connection at the Neutral.
Throughout the grid, at every pole, substation, transformer, and installation, the Neutral wire is bonded (connected) to the ground or earth to stabilize the grid against overvoltages etc, helping to ensure grid reliability.

At the other end of each of the 3 coils are the 3 Hot wires that carry power from the transformer to the end user's main breaker box. The resulting 3-phase service has 3 Hot wires, 1 Neutral wire and a ground wire that enter the main breaker box, and thus it is a 4-wire 3-phase service (the ground is always required to be present but not counted among the wires).
3-phase service panel480-277 volt 3-phase service panel/ with Ground
3-phase Power leaves the transformer and enters electric meter that registers billable wattage.

From the meter, the electric power passes through a 3-pole safety switch, and then enters main panel box where 3 Hot wires connect to 3-pole  main breaker, while Neutral wire and ground wire connect to separate busbars
3-pole means there are 3 places for wires to connect. And each pole is electrically separated from other poles.

Main breaker box is same for WYE or Delta service, with 3 hot wires. In some cases of Delta or WYE, there is no Neutral wire present.
WYE services like 208-120, 480-277, 600-347 etc volt have a Neutral wire.

Main breaker feeds each hot wire to separate hot busbar.
There are 3 Hot busbars, each electrically separated from the other, and each carries power from one Hot wire.

There are 3 ways to wire from the WYE main panel.
a) Install three-pole circuit breaker and draw 480 volt 3-phase power where 3 wires leave breaker and go to motor switch, or other use etc.
b) Install 2-pole breaker and and draw 2 Hot wires for 480 volt single phase.
c) Install single-pole breaker and draw 1 Hot and a Neutral wire for single-phase 277 volt.

How to wire 3-phase electric
See wiring for 3-phase non-balanced water heater

Larger image
Example single-pole breaker in 3-phase panel
Color added for illustration

Single and double breaker can be added to 3-phase panel
Or single-phase can be drawn from one or 2 poles of a 3-pole breaker.

In the case of 277 volt, 1 Hot wire is drawn from the circuit breaker and 1 Neutral wire is drawn from the Neutral busbar.
Many timers and other devices are rated for 277 volt
Look for rating label
Illustration shows 277 volt timer controlling 3-pole contactor that switches power ON-off to 3-phase load.

1 Hot and 1 Neutral are drawn off the 3-phase line to yield 277 volt.

How to wire 3-phase timer
3-phase astronomic timer
Surge protection for 3-phase is installed on the Hot lines, and not the Neutral.
The Neutral wire redirects overvoltage directly to the ground connection.

How to wire 3-phase surge protection
Amps and watts with 277 volts
Calculations are the same for all electricity around the world: Volts x Amps = Watts. Or watts divided by volts = amps.
Compare 120, 240 and 277 volt. For example if the Load (motor, lights etc) consumes 8000 watts.
8000 divided by 277 volts = 28.88 amps requiring 30 amp breaker and #10 gauge wire.
8000 divided by 240 volts = 33.3 amps requiring 40 amp breaker and #8 gauge wire.
8000 divided by 120 volts = 66.6 amps requiring 70 amp breaker and #4 gauge wire.
Amperage is heat. If wire gets hot, then energy is being wasted. The more heat on the wire, the larger the wire and circuit breaker must be to maintain efficiency. Larger wire and the conduit needed to hold the wire costs more, especially if the load is spread over a large area like commercial lighting. The mathematics shows that using 277 volts is a less expensive way to handle large loads.

"Industrial and commercial 3-phase electric systems differ from residential single-phase: 3-phase power is more complex, but more efficient in motor applications, and large area uses. Higher voltages of 277/480v and 347/600v distribution systems are more efficient, but considerably more dangerous, and should only be maintained and modified by trained and qualified electricians."
Difference between single-phase and 3-phase
120-277 volt troffer120-277 volt troffer
Troffers or ceiling lights used for commercial buildings and residential homes are available at local box store.
These lights are rated for 120-277.

Electronic ballasts available at local box store are also rated 120-277 volt.

Most switches sold at local box stores are rated 120-277 volt. Switches have rating embossed on each device. It's important to consider amp rating of switch and not just the voltage.

Ordinary 2-prong straight-blade-with-ground outlets are rated 125 volt but not for 277 volt. Of course you cannot plug a computer or desk lamp into 277 volt or it will burn up.

To differentiate outlets, there is a standard Nema code and Nema configuration based on voltage and amp rating of outlet as illustrated below with the locking receptacles.
277 volt troffer
Elements are made for 480 and 277 volt
Residential water heater elements are rated 208-240
There are also elements rated for commercial 480 and 277 volt
Buy: 208 volt:
2000 watt 208 volt
208 volt elements
Low watt density
Buy: 480 volt (can be used single-phase or 3-phase element non-balanced):
4500 watt 480 volt
5500 watt 480 volt
6000 watt 480 volt
480 volt elements

Ultra low watt densityBuy: 277 volt:
6000 watt 277 volt copper
6000 watt 277 volt stainless
277 volt elements
277 volt locking receptacle 277 volt locking receptacle
277 volt is derived from 3-phase 480-277 service.
One Hot leg and a Neutral wire are pulled from the breaker box to create 277 volt potential
Extreme danger from high voltage 480-277, wiring should be done by licensed electrician
L7-15R 277 volt 15 amp
L7-20R 277 volt 20 amp    
L7-30R 277 volt 30 amp
Leviton 4760  15A
Leviton 2330  20A
Leviton 2630  30A
What is 277 volt
How to wire 3-phase
Difference single-phase and 3-phase
How to wire 277 volt outlet and plug277 volt twist lock
The center wire is the Neutral. The top wire is Hot, and bottom wire is ground.
Note also that Neutral is connected to ground.
The ground is not a Neutral and must serve as unobstructed pathway directly to earth.

How to wire twist lock plugs
Why you need ground wire

Contactors/ relays

Z-wave/ wifi
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50 gallon Gas water heaters at Amazon
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50 gallon Electric water heaters at Amazon
40 gallon electric water heaters at Amazon
Hybrid / heat pump/ water heaters at Amazon

How to install gas water heater
How to install electric water heater
Troubleshoot gas water heater
Troubleshoot electric water heater
Point of use water heaters
Troubleshoot Gas valves with manuals
Icon gas valve

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How to wire tankless electric

Install point of use water heater
Titan tankless

Contactors/ relays
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Programmable timers

Woods timers
surge protection
Anode rods anode rods
Recirculation system

Tankless recirculation
Point of use water heater
Type 1 and type 2 surge protection surge protection
Industrial electric

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Hayward pool
Pentair pool

Southwire electric

Black and Decker

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box timers Resource:
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Control water heater w/ Z-wave
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