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How to identify transformer wiring
Three phase Wye or Delta?
WYE transformer Quick way to identify WYE or DELTA
Applies to 3-transformer installation.
Three wires drop down from overhead power lines.

If one of the drop wires connects to only one transformer then that connection is WYE
If the drop wire connects to 2 different transformers, then that connection is DELTA

3-phase transformers .pdf
Transformer .pdf files
Difference between delta and wye
Power plant generates 3-phase power
At a conventional (coal, gas) power plant, the generator produces 30,000 volt power that travels through a step up transformer that dispatches 500,000 volt power onto groups of 3 Hot wires. Power plant transformers are WYE-WYE, and other types of generators (solar, wind, etc) must match same power to match the existing grid. Therefore the grid delivers 3-phase to end users in WYE. Delta is not used for transmission or distribution.
Resources: Difference between Delta and WYE  Name parts on electric pole

Each residential and commercial service uses transformers
A transformer is required at each end user to convert high voltage distribution power into lower volt power that can be safely controlled using correctly-sized circuit breaker and wire, that are connected to moderately priced switches, outlets, bulbs, and appliances.
Residential homes receive power from a single transformer, which is connected in only one manner, and is not part of this page xsincve it is neither WYE or Delta.
Commercial transformer banks with two or three transformers are covered on this page.
All end user transformers have two sides, the primary and secondary. While the arriving power is WYE, the end user transformer bank of two or three transformers can be wired in Delta or WYE on either the primary or secondary side.

Difference between Delta and Wye transformers
Applies to transformer banks with 3 transformers:
WYE transformer coils are wired in parallel.
Primary side WYE: On the 3-transformer bank for WYE, you would observe 3 hot wires drop down from the 3 overhead dristribution lines. Located on top of each transformer are two bushings. Each hot wire connects to 1 bushing. The Neutral wire connects to the second bushing on all 3 transformers.
Secondary WYE: Each transformer has two or three taps located on side of transformer can. The commercial building with WYE service receives 3 Hot wires and a Neutral from the secondary side. 1 Hot wire  is connected to 1 tap on each transformer. The Neutral is connected to the other tap on all 3 transformers.

Applies to transformer banks with 3 transformers:
Delta transformer coils are wired in series, like stacking batteries end to end in a flashlight.
Primary Delta: On the 3-can transformer bank for Delta, you would observe 3 hot wires drop down from the 3 overhead dristribution lines. Each hot wire connects to one bushing on 2 different transformers. The Neutral wire is not connected to any of the bushings.
Secondary side Delta: The commercial building receives 3 Hot wires. Each hot wire is connected to a tap on two different transformers. The Neutral might or might not be present. If present, the Neutral will connect to the center tap on middle transformer.

Reasons for choosing WYE or Delta
Delta can deliver same power with lower amps/ meaning less heat.
For example, transformer banks are often wired Delta on the Power company or Primary coils, and Wye on the customer or secondary coils. According to one manufacturer's manual, the reason for Delta primary is to save money since the delta configuration means lower amps for the same power output, which means the transformer manufacturer can use smaller wires on the primary side coils. It also reduces heat and need for transformer cooling.
Using WYE on the secondary, or customer side, supplies a Neutral connection, and gives more voltage combinations and higher-amp service, with equal votage on all 3 legs.
Materials used for the power grid are a balance of cost, function and safety, so reducing amps using Delta on primary side saves money overall. However not every customer application can be met using Delta primary. There are a wide variety of volt-amp requirements at end user locations, and many ways to wire transformers to meet electrical needs.
WYE is frequently called Star, for example Star-Delta motor starter or timer. Motors consume a lot a of amperage when starting, so the star or wye configuration (more amps) is used for starting, and after the motor gets going, the circuit is switched to delta (low amps) for higher efficiency. This basic strategy meets electrical regulations intended to reduce voltage surges on the grid.
What is electricity
Name part on electric poles
Pulling overhear power wire
Electricity from power plant to end user
How to wire 3-phase
3-phase timer
3-phase surge protectors/
Delta primary/ WYE secondary
1 supply wire connects to TWO transformers
Each hot wire from the power pole connects to two transformers
Ground wire to each transformer NOT shown
1 supply wire connects to ONE transformer
Each hot wire from the power pole connects to one transformer
Ground wire to each transformer shown
Delta Delta
Ground wire to each transformer NOT shown
Transformer wiring
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Original image
Delta WYE
Transformer wiring/ how to identify transformer wiring
Image shows Delta Primary and 4-wire WYE Secondary
Primary is Delta: How do we know? Each hot wire connects to two transformers.... so they are wired in series
Secondary is WYE. One wire connects to all three transformers, and to Neutral. One wire from each transformer is Hot... so they are wired in parallel
System neutral connects to Neutral and ground
There are many different transformer configurations

This is 'most common type of wiring' because Delta has lower amps/ meaning less heat, so insulation on primary coil is less expensive.

Transformers can be wired different ways depending on the incoming electric supply and end user need.
Two key factors for the grid are economic performance and reliability.
Reliability is necessary because electricity must run clean without big-voltage spikes and low-voltage brownouts. Otherwise motors and HVAC equipment will have shorter lifespan.

Transformer configurations
Transformer manuals
What is 3-phase electricity/ power plant to end user
electric grid
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Larger image of grid from power plant
Delta primary/ WYE secondary ... because Delta carries less amperage, so primary coils can use smaller wire ... saves cost of transformer
Normally, the Neutral service wire is located on top of other three How wires
Primary wires are not insulated/ Secondary wires to service are insulated.
Neutral on pole connectes to Neutral going to service, and to ground wire that bonds each transformer to the earth

3-phase service
Larger image
Larger image of grid from power plant
Normally, the Neutral service wire is located on top of other three Hot wires
Primary wires are not insulated/ Secondary wires to service are insulated.
Neutral on pole connectes to Neutral going to service, and to ground wire that bonds each transformer to the earth, illustration does not clearly show this. Installations might use bare solid copper, or use the stranded aluminum per more recent practice.

WYE-High Leg Delta
Identify High Leg transformer bank: 3 wires come off one transformer and 1 wire (the high leg) comes off another transformer

-Typical buildings, businesses and factories have 3 transformers that provide three-phase service.
Some services that require less power have 3-phase from 2 transformers.

The 3-transformer 3-phase service is the source for High Leg Delta, but not every commercial installation has High Leg, unless specified for the service.

How it happens: If High Leg Delta service is specified by the architect, builder, end user or electrical engineer, then the power company brings the correct transformers, and connects three-phase 4500-7200 volt distribution line to the three transformers on the primary side in a WYE configuration as shown. Primary side can also be wired in Delta.
To achieve high leg, the transformers on the secondary, or the service side, are wired in Delta configuration.
3-phase open wye and open deltaOpen Delta
2 transformer 3-phase open delta for smaller loads

Identify High Leg open delta. There are 2 transformer, one is larger than other, 3 wires come off large transformer and 1 wire (the high leg) comes off another transformer

High Leg Delta (or open delta) can be achieved using 2 transformers that pull 2 Hots and a Neutral off the distribution line, instead of 3 Hots and  Neutral.
Open Delta can also be identified by 3 drop wires (two Hots and a Neutral) connecting to 1 transformer, and 1 drop (Hot wire) connected to the smaller transformer. The secondary side still supplies 4-wire high leg to the business, with 3 wires coming off 1 transformer and 1 wire (the high leg) coming off the smaller transformer.

This configuration is common for businesses that consume less power, but still want 3-phase, and/or want the selection of voltages found with high leg ... that is 240 volt, 120 volt, and 208 volt.
For example, this service provides power to a windshield repair company, with an office and garage for dispatching trucks.

This configuration is also used in case of emergency to restore power if one transformer goes bad in a 3-transformer bank.

If the business needs more power, then a third transformer can be added at any time ... and this would change the high leg open delta into ordinary high leg delta.
A 3-transformer service is more efficient at delivering high power than 2-transformer service.

Two transformers can also be configured to deliver Open WYE, and can supply 4 wires, with 2 sets of single-phase, but not 3 phase. This would generally be found in a repair condition when 1 transformer in a 3-transformer bank fails.

Larger image
Larger image of whole grid
Neutral on pole connectes to Neutral going to service, and to ground wire that bonds each transformer to the earth.
Delta Primary / WYE secondary/ same as above
wye delta
Larger image
WYE Primary / DELTA secondary/ 
distribution transformers at substation handle high voltage
Shows 3 transformers, with 3 primary coils and 3 secondary coils
Primary WYE 69,000 volts ... because 1 69,000 volt wire connects to 1 transformer
Secondary Delta 4,400 volts ... because 1 4400 volt wire connects to 2 transformers

Generally 4,400 volts is lowest voltage for distribution without heat loss from high amperage
The lower the voltage, the higher the amperage.

High amperage causes heat loss.
The transmission of electric power requires high voltage and low amperage.
When amperage is high, the distribution distance is reduced.

However high voltage switchgear is expensive
It is impractical for end user to install high voltage appliances and motors because of the expense

As a result, the end user must receive low volts with higher amperage
To meet demands on the grid, transformers are used to raise and lower volts and amps in inverse proportion
When volts are reduced, amps are increased.

What is 3-phase electricity/ power plant to end user
Transformer wiring Why does transformer wiring differ.
1) Electricity is mathematical
For example: Cosine of phase angle is known as power factor
P is power factor
Power factor is cosine of phase difference between v and I

Research star-delta for more information
And read below

Power generation by Singh
3-phase power generation book at Amazon
Electric Power generation books at Amazon
3-phase wiring books at Amazon

2) Cost
Delta configuration reduces amperage for the same amount of voltage

3) How does WYE DELTA affect cost
3-phase is more efficient because it runs at higher average power vrs single phase.
It's like having a 3 legged bicycle rider on a 3 pedal bike, with each pedal spaced evenly apart vrs a two legged bike rider on an ordinary bicycle.

4) Cost for 3-phase motors and commercial equipment:
"During start-up, motors develop high currents of up to eight times the rated current, and they have high starting torque.
The high starting currents often lead to voltage drops in the supply network which can affect reliability of other equipment, and cause surges that shorten life of expensive equipment.
And the high starting torque puts strain on mechanical parts, which wears out motors.
Electric companies determine limiting values for motor starting so the power surges and heavy-amp draws do not affect other users. Such as requiring 2-stage motors or star-delta or auto-transformer motor starters etc.
A 2-stage motor means the motor starts out in 'low gear,' and when it gets to higher speed, it shifts to 'higher gear.' This saves energy and wear and tear and helps prevent surge.
Motors have start winding for getting the motor started. And then the run winding kicks in for motor at full speed.
WYE configuration is used for the start winding. And then Delta is used for full speed.
The reason is that Wye supplies more amps per each volt.
For example: voltage is applied to the WYE (also called STAR) start windings. The voltage is reduced by a factor of 1√3 = 0.58 this connection amounts to approximately 30% of the delta values. By reducing the voltage, the starting current is reduced to one third of the direct starting current. When motor reaches speed, the run winding (wired in Delta) takes over and motor receives full voltage.
This staged approach to motor starting, when applied to all motors in a home, and in a business, add up to considerable savings.

Transformers and motor starting
3-phase formula
Connect transformer to wire
Connecting High voltage wire to transformer
Hot clamp Hot clamp
Read about ohm's law/ electricity/ and what transformer does
Transmission and distribution lines
Larger image
Sub-Transmission and distribution lines
Transmission lines run between power plant substation and local substations
Subtransmission run from local substations to local substation
Distribution lines run from local substation to the end-user location

Generally transmission lines are higher off the ground because the air space acts as the insulator for bare conductor wire. Air is a non-conductive insulator.

Transmission lines might be 500,000 V and sub-transmission 69,000 V
Distribution lines are from local substation to each building and house, and are lower to ground and carry lower voltages such as 4400 to 6900.

Image shows transmission lines that run from local  Rosenberg substation out to another substation in rural area of county.

Distribution lines leave from the same Rosenberg substation and distribute power in one section of town.
Distribution lines can be identified because transformers connect to the distribution lines.

Transmission and distribution wires are bare.
They have no insulation covering the wire.
This helps keep the wire cool and increases transmission distance.
Wires are kept away from the poles using purified glass insulators and other non-conductive materials such as silicone.
Birds sitting on the bare wire are not electrocuted as long as they do not touch two wires or any part of the pole.
Electricity on the wire is a potential.
The voltage potential is only reached if two wires come together or one wire comes together with a ground source.
Residential 120-240 volt serviceResidential 120-240 volt service
Normally, the 3 service wires to house are triplex, with 1 bare stranded Neutral and 2 insulated Hots.
The Neutral wire runs continuously across the grid to bond all grounds into one giant array of earth connections that stablize the grid from overvoltage, short circuits, lightning etc ... and to protect and assist circuit breakers and wires. Ground wires are present at each pole, transmission tower, and electrical connection across the grid.

Larger image of grid from power plant
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