note was written in a scrawl
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The deck of life had nine cards
Love poker heart blood forgive abandon revenge
The truth card was lost
The last card was unknown
The fate of each card was delivered in a handwritten note
a time of change in a small 1950's town in deep southern United States,
as sharecroppers and town squares are getting pressured by larger
economic interests.
The notes, written in a nearly illegible
scrawl, arrive at a critical point in each person's life, and alter
events in the future.
The fate of one town, and the people who live there, are profoundly affected.
You have a choice, but don't ignore the note.
Table of Contents
1. Maggie and the Love Card
2. Maggie sees River Boy
River Boy and Grandpa
Smuggling Maggie
Abbeyville Summer Party
8. Going to town
9. The Forgive Card
10. Maggie goes to Crooks Tail
11. Joddie comes for Sunday dinner
12. Joddie Rescue/ The Heart Card
14. Abagail and the Blacktown
15. Mrs Latchy Gray
16. The Abandon card / River Boy runs
17. The Deck of Life
18. River Boy meets Churchail
19 The Blood Card
20 The Upstate Boys meet with Churchail
21. The Poker Card
22. Joddie comes home
23. The dark night
24. Joel goes to Blacktown/ The Revenge Card
25. The worries/ The Forgive Card
26. Latchy and the plan to save Trinity/ Abandon card
Latchy invites her friends to Trinity, and sends a note to Rich man, telling him where he can find his son River Boy
27 River Boy talks to Harold
28 The plan to interfere with fishing tournament
29. Bangin' Gypsy sings at the fishing tournament
30. River Boy goes to see Maggie
31. Susan
32. The Football Game/ The Truth Card/ unknown card
my book, started in 2016, stopped for several years, then resumed 2023, is not done yet July 2023, but getting closer
age 72 and dwindling quickly
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