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How to make pie chart in Turbocad

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This tutorial starts at beginner level and visually walks through a combined 2-D & 3-D project
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3-D and 2-D

Pie chart 3-D

Pie chart 2-D
Step 1: Setup new drawing
Set up page > Go to View > choose Selection Information and Tools Palette and Design Director so they are available
Set Snap Mode and World Plan (click images to see large size)

Click images for larger size
Step 2. Make new layer titled circle
Turbocad layer feature gives ability to put lines and objects on a layer. Layers can be turned off-and-on so work can target specific areas without having other parts of drawing in the way > here are two ways to access layers

Method A: Go to Options at top > Drawing Setup > click Layers > click New

Method B: Go to Design Director > in top section, click Layer to highlight > right-click bottom section > Create new > title layer > click OK
Layer in Drawing Setup

Layer in Design Director
3. Draw circle > circle appears flat on page
Snap vertical diameter line from top to bottom of circle
Select vertical diameter line > go to Selection Information > expand Metrics > angle shows as 270°

Next, snap vertical radius line from center point to top of circle
4. First piece of pie is 45% > multiply .45 x 360° (total degrees in a circle) = 162° >> now subtract 162° from 270° = 108°
Select vertical diameter line > go to selection information > expand Metrics > angle shows as 270° > use mouse to highlight 270° > use keyboard to change 270 to 108 > press enter key

The diameter line jumps away from center of circle and will have to be moved back
108° diameter line to center point of circle

Now the circle has 2 lines > radius line from center point to top of circle > 108° diameter line attached at center point

Next, draw another radius line from center point to edge of circle where 108° meets circle
Now the circle has 3 lines <> 1 diameter line and 2 radius lines

Click image for large size
5. Second piece of pie is 18% > multiply .18 x 360° = 64.8° >> now subtract 64.8° from 108° = 43.2°
Select diameter line and change data entry to 43.2°

Next, draw a radius line from center point to edge of circle where 43.2° meets circle
Step 6. Make other pieces
Third piece is 14% > multiply .14 x 360° = 50.4° >> subtract 50.4° from 43.2° = -7.2
                           (You can double-check work by adding temporary angular dimensions)
Fourth piece is 10% > multiply .1 x 360° = 36° >> subtract 36° from -7.2° = -43.2°
Fifth piece is 6% > multiply .06 x 360° = 21.6° >> subtract 21.6° from -43.2° = -64.8° or 295.2

Sixth piece is 4% = 14.4
° >> subtract 14.4° from -64.8° = -79.2°
The seventh piece is 3% > .03 x 360° = 10.8° >> subtract 10.8° from -79.2° = -90°

Don't forget to draw a radius line for each piece of pie
Once pie is finished, remove diameter line and remove dimensions -or- put them on a layer as shown in Step 7
Now you have a circle and 7 radius lines
Step 7. Move circle to layer 'circle' shown in Step 2

The 2-D pie chart is finished > to make work on individual pie pieces easy, move circle to layer so it can be made invisible (click image for visual explanation)

Select circle > go to Design Director > in top section, click Layer to highlight > in bottom section, double-click name of layer > checkmark appears next to layer > selected item is successfully moved to layer > click small eyeball next to checkmark to turn layer off-and-on

circle and 7 radius lines
Turn off circle layer <> click eyeball next to layer
Step 8. Make arc for each piece of pie
Select Arc and Center Tool > click on center point of circle > click on first radius line where it snaps to circle > click on second radius line where it snaps to circle > move back and click on first radius line where it snaps to circle > radius is complete <> if necessary, reverse order of clicks to get arc correct, the first click is always at center of circle

The arc must be snapped to the end point of each radius line > this is important so that radius and arc can be joined in next step

Now you have 7 arcs, one for each piece of pie
Before colorizing pie chart...
The pie chart cannot be colorized until the pieces are closed polygons (for example the Rectangle tool makes a closed polygon)

Two ways to make a closed polygon
1. Use Irregular Polygon tool and carefully trace around each shape > when complete, right-click and select Finish > then select object properties > go to Brush > select colors
2. Use the Join Polyline tool located by clicking Modify at top of page.

Use Irregular Polygon -or-
use Join Polyline
When using the Join Polyline tool, the arc and radius line must meet at same point <> if you use snaps, the arc and radius should meet correctly, but sometimes snaps miss target and lines have to be re-drawn <> use scroll wheel on mouse to zoom in
Complete first piece of pie using Join Polyline
We want to join the arc and radius with Join Polyline
1. Select arc > hold down shift key > and select 1 radius
2. With both objects selected > go to Modify > click Join Polyline
3. Right-click open area and select Finish
4. If polyline won't join, it is because the two lines don't meet at a point <> redraw arc or radius line

Note that the arc-n-radius polyline is not a closed polyline because it is not a continuous shape yet <> only closed polylines can be colorized
Create Hatch to get closed polyline
1. Select the arc-n-radius polyline
2. Go to Format > click Create Hatch

Now you have a closed polyline shape that is colored black

>If your Turbo Cad program does not have Hatch, snap line between endpoints of arc-n-radius polyline and use Join Polyline again to complete the closed polyline
Finish the 2-D pie pieces

Finish pie chart using Join Polyline and Hatch
Add or change color to any of the 7 closed polyline pie shapes.

>To add color > select shape > right click > select Properties > click Brush
In Brush <> Choose Pattern from scroll-down menu > click Color to choose color for pattern > select Scale and Angle for pattern > Then choose Background Color > select Transparency for background or leave at 0 for full color > Then click OK
Convert 2-D pie chart into 3-D object
Change from World Plan to Isometric

Right-click any open area and make change in box that opens -or- use toolbar icon
Make 3-D pie chart

Select pie piece > right-click > select Properties > select 3-D > Thickness appears as 0 > highlight 0 and enter a number using keypad > here 1 was entered and appears as inches > press OK (change units from inches to other <> Options > Drawing Setup)

Note Materials are also edited in 3-D properties box
Convert each piece of pie into 3-D using steps shown above

Click image to see how to make new layer
Choose Fillet Edges tool
<> right-click empty space on top toolbar > Customize box opens > check 3D Modify
Fillet (round-over) edges of pie chart
<> click edge to be rounded > blue boxes appear on all available edges > click edge to be rounded > enter radius at bottom in data entry area (inspector bar) > click enter > right-click > select finish
Select an arc > hold down shift key and select radius line > so both line and arc are selected
Go to Modify > click join polyline > then right click in open area of page and click Finish
If the polyline won't join, it is because the two lines don't meet at a point <> redraw arc or radius line

Next, select the new polyline > go to Format at top > click Create Hatch > the piece of pie should fill with black

For all 7 pie pieces > select arc and radius line > go to Modify and click Join Polyline > right-click in open work area > select Finish > select new polyline > go to Format and click Create Hatch > a black color will cover pie piece

A Hatch pie piece can be modified same as a joined polyline
1. To color individual pie pieces: select a piece of pie > right-click > select properties > select Brush > pick a Pattern from scroll-down menu > then select a pen color, scale and angle for pattern > pick a background color > OK

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