May 2022
Do the math ....
Don't imagine I am pro global warming ... not at all ... I am looking
at a overall energy picture based on READING information posted by IEA,
and Power Magazine etc ...
Do the math ... the total BTU consumption on earth each year is about 1
quintillion BTU, with US responsible for a large percentage. Use
whatever percentage of total you choose. Now figure how many Kwh of
electricity will be needed to equal the BTU consumption of gasoline and
natural gas ... plus add the energy needed to actually mine, build,
transport, and install all the electric heaters, cars, charging
stations, solar panels, batteries, windmills, trucks, trains, ships,
boats, RVs, jet skis, planes, water heaters, stoves, ovens, clothes
dryers etc etc etc ... plus build and upgrade transmission lines at
$500,000 per tower, and install new power transformers at each
substation so you can achieve full 2-way flow of electric power, then
cut down, treat and install millions of new poles for millions of miles
of new distribution lines ... and estimate any unfavorable weather
patterns that green energy is dependent on (sun, wind, water) ... while
adding new, non-hackable smart-grid upgrades and getting each state to
agree on protocols ... and don't forget the capitalist system is
dependent on growth to pay interest on debt, so consumption must
increase each year.
And the final number for reaching 'sustainability' is beyond our
capability. I mean, an empty heat pump water heater weighs 300 lbs, and
is unaffordable by most, impractical for many homes, and almost
impossible to lift into attic, or drag into crawlspace, and expensive
to repair, replace, and largely difficult to recycle etc, yet is touted
as the 'solution' for water heating.
I say the transition will not happen ... while each day
watching new construction build ever-larger buildings, and pour more
heat seeking concrete , and car makers building ever-larger vehicles,
oblivious to the issue while they shamelessly promote green energy
tripe across all media.
Remember, we cut down our rain forest a century ago, and nobody is
talking about the issue, except the media bleeds hearts over the rain
forest in Brazil.