Moving the Water heater: letter to family
Holly and I spent the last several weeks moving the water heater out of
the attic and putting a new heater into the closet on the side of the
Texas has hard water so heaters need frequent servicing, and it’s hard
to climb in the attic these days.
Well, on paper it seemed easy, but OMG what a project. Jason would’ve
loved it. The job required every tool from the drywall square to the
12” pipe wrench to the ohm meter.
At least we didn’t burn the house down while soldering pipes in the
…nor did the old water heater crash through the wall when we lowered it
out of the attic.
After bringing the old heater down by rope in a controlled crash
landing, Holly was cheering and saying we should’ve video-taped the
whole thing for the family. We were both laughing.
The new heater finally got settled a few days ago, but naturally the
top thermostat stopped working. Tonight the final glitch was resolved!
We have blast off.
Gene Haynes