Letter to sunita

sunita ... lets play a social norm game
The psychologist Geno sezs: I have taken much time to consider answers about your reaction to 'jokes' or 'amusements' about your cousin ... please understand I never intentionally tread on your rights and beliefs (I merely couldn't see it).
However I do think you exhibit an impulsive rage disorder ... and I have been able to view this by watching the impulse reaction you exhibit when protecting your family.
Although everybody acts this way ... and everybody becomes enraged when they perceive their family is threatened ... I still think it's an impulsive rage disorder.
Moreover, your inability to verbalize the root cause of this rage is also very symptomatic of a social illness ... and I say this because you didn't talk politely to me when I tread on your family ... and in fact I was under the clear impression that you would become quite agitated if I continued to tread on your family.
This behavior is shared by terrorists ... and thus is totally irrational ... because people shouldn't be concerned whether they tread over other people's families or beliefs.
I think this irrational rage behavior that you exhibit ... even though it fits 100% under the normal behavioral curve ... needs to be abated. I think if somebody endangered your family that you could become violent.
Furthermore this behavior is exactly the same reaction that is exhibited by other rogue people like bicyclist activists.
For some reason bicyclists have an impulsive rage disorder that mimics what so-called 'normal' people feel when they are being endangered ... but that doesn't matter because nobody 'sees' it .... just like when I made fun of your cousin: I couldn't see it, and that's why it's not important ... because people are allowed to behave any way they want as long as they 'can't see the other person's beliefs.'
.... but no matter .... it was wrong for you to impulsively rage over protecting your family and your beliefs and your values ... you must let the greater culture ase-run your family or else you will be deemed a violent terrorist

Gene Haynes