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Chapter 30) Defensive driving and the soft target
this time I amassed 16 traffic tickets on a bike. I don’t remember the
exact order of things but the police targeted my bike riding for
running red lights etc. Good god my entire life as a free man seems
amazingly distorted simply because I was strange, didn’t drive a car,
and was bold enough to demand equal protection on the road.
first they pecked away with single tickets for this or that. One guy
arrested me for failure-to-appear after I refused to yield my lane to
him as he tried to pass my bike on a narrow single-lane no-passing
zone. He stopped me, and discovered my legal shortfall, so I went to
jail. The next day I got out on $100 bail.
When I appeared in
court, the judge gave me a fine plus ‘defensive driving’ … but the
defensive class was scheduled to meet four times in a town 20 miles to
the north. LOL, twenty miles north and I had no vehicle. That was a
good one.
But look at what happened. The court put the sentence
20 miles away to point out a deficiency in somebody for refusing to
conform to car-world.
I dutifully rode my bike 20 miles north
and back, over the hills, on a dark highway for all four night classes.
It was an easy ride and didn’t stress me but I wasn’t a highway rider
so thought it would take a longer. The first time I went, the police
cars followed me out for about six miles, and then the state police
checked on me during the return trip in the drizzling rain. I
appreciated that gesture and knew my lawyer was behind it.
driving: now get out your notepad and pay attention to the government
advice. At one point, the instructor told everybody to avoid trees and
poles if they lost control on the road. Why? Because drivers
instinctively try to stop fast by running into hard objects.
told his errant young charges they should pick ‘soft areas’ to crash
their car, so I raised my hand and asked the instructor if ‘soft areas
included pedestrians.’ He stared at me in shock, but I wanted the
language to get back to the courthouse since I definitely felt like one
of those so-called ‘soft areas’ whenever I rode a bike.
Chapter 31-32) I was done playing
Index of chapters