When Texas was great.
Before we started hanging women
Before you could 'misspeak yourself'
'cause if ya did..
yer an idiot
back when we elected a democratic governor
because the republican was offhanded about rape
before it was common to hear about dividing into seven states
when tough meant Oilers and roughnecks
Not bibles and bathrooms
when LBJ was a world leader
and we were not embarrassed by goofball Perry
and cocaine Bush
when we built space ships
and didn't outsource IT jobs
when there were mid-level opportunities
and didn't outsource IT jobs
when there were mid-level opportunities
and corporations were proud to be in texas
when offshore pirate radio was fun
with real food in the cheese n crackers
Texas AM bumper sticker meant pride
not debt and obligation
High schools were for football
and not endless tests
teaching was a profession
not a reviled annuity sought by corporate ownership
Medicine and health care were available
WTF happened?
The robot ... yes the computer..
Took away the jobs
... and the money
... and funneled it to the top.
And the top decided they could divide the people...
over nonsense
and misinformation
So they could own politics
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