Solution for Eminent domain:

Last year the Supreme Court ruled that developers can take private property if the developer’s proposal meets the standard for ‘greater good.’ Evidently politicians will decide what meets the standard for greater good in their communities.

Since the law exists, and people are compelled to work within the law, then three things should happen to protect the people being evicted:

1.    The displaced people should be given fair market value based on what the property will be worth after the development takes place. Furthermore their new residence, wherever it might be, should be assessed and taxed at the same amount they paid at their prior residence.
2.    The displaced people should be given stock shares in the development company so they will earn a future stream of income from the increased value of the property they relinquished. This would limit the number of potential developers to publicly traded companies that must also have open books and fair accounting. Additionally the developer must declare who their officers and lobbyists are so that pay-offs to the politicians might be more transparent.
3.    The displaced people should be referred to as ‘special stockholders,’ and they will form a committee, and each year the committee will plan a two-day catered party for all special stockholders plus their relatives. At committee discretion, the yearly event will take place at either a) the developer’s home or b) at the home of any politician who approved the eminent domain takeover. BYOB of course

Gene Haynes