Problems with Office 2007
Microsoft 1 800 936 5700 - 4900
Case number 1040709207
Case number 1041327379

CC 4477639

Unresolved but will be fixed - I cannot set the Normal.dotm template to work when I open documents from a folder of from the desktop

Unresolved - New Word 2007 documents open in second monitor whenever a document is minimized on the taskbar
Unresolved -old Word 2003 documents from flash drive open on the main monitor but open minimized documents from the taskbar

Unresolved Treats word compatible documents differently when opening

Unresolved - Very slow to open Word and Outlook – Office 2003 features opened immediately

Resolved w different option The Save in box opens too small and I always have to scroll up and down to access the right file or folder

Resolved w/ caveat the resolution will not be available if I have to reload from disc Auto-fill does not work for entering the date. The instructions say to begin typing the date and auto-fill will offer suggestions, but it does not offer any suggestion no matter how I try typing the date.

What am I receiving from 2007 that is better for me???
    The slow response is a major problem
    Opening new documents in the second monitor is a major problem
The tab problem is still the same – the little zig zag arrow is harder to close
    The features are harder to access
    The ribbon does not meet my needs
    If available I would buy another product right now
    My only concern is compatibility with old documents – which is why customers are accepting
    this product

The big problem is with opening documents. I have Word 3003 Compatibility documents and new Word 2007 documents in my storage. I have two monitors. There are two problems.
-open a new Word 2007, it opens in the main monitor
-open a Compatibility document and it opens in the main monitor
-minimize a document of either type onto the taskbar, and the opening sequence changes
-compatibility from flash drive minimized > open another compatibility from flash drive => then both documents open in main monitor => effect: the minimized document is open behind the new document (Word 2007 is not supposed to operate this way)
-compatibility from flash drive minimized > open a Word 2007 document saved on the desktop => same effect as above, both open in main monitor
-compatibility from flash drive minimized > open a new Word 2007 document from the Start menu => the new document opens in the second monitor but the minimized document remains minimized. Why is Word opting to open in a second monitor?
-compatibility from flash drive minimized > create a new Word 2007 document from the main monitor desktop => the new Word icon appears on the main monitor with no problems except problem with default template.
-new Word 2007 is created on desktop > open the document > minimize to taskbar > open another Word 2007 document from the desktop => both documents open in main monitor => effect: the minimized document is open behind the new document
-new Word 2007 is created on desktop > open the document > minimize to taskbar > open another Word 2007 document from the Start menu => the new document opens in the second monitor and the minimized document remains minimized

=> when a document is minimized > open another (not a new) document => then both open in the main monitor >> the minimized document is opened in Word 2007
=> when a document is minimized > open a new document from the Start menu => then only the new document opens/ the minimized document stays minimized / but the new document opens in the second monitor
=> when a new document is opened from the start menu and no other document is minimized > then the new opens in the main monitor
=> when a new document is opened from the start menu while another document is open > the new opens in the same monitor with the open document
=> if document is in main monitor, the new will open in main monitor
=> if document is in second monitor, the new will open in second monitor
=> if document is half way into second monitor, the new will open completely in the second monitor
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