The DKH Trust is not finished

More than a full year has passed but the DKH Trust is still not finished. It’s hard to believe a CPA could take this long to divide up money and get out, but Larry Haynes has created another ‘waiting period.’ He’s like a dead fish in your pocket.

We know an ethical CPA would have completed the job months ago but Larry said we have to ‘wait for him to finish the taxes,’ and there’s been no word from him since. It doesn’t take six months for a CPA to run ‘taxes’ on his computer and send out three checks. And when was that tax filing due, last April?

Over and again we’ve made it clear we do not want Larry’s service because he uses stall tactics to defraud. Even after costly legal intervention and disgrace in front of his family and exposure to a fellow CPA, his answer is to appoint himself another ‘job’ and refuse to complete it? Surprised?

This is hallmark Larry Haynes theft: once he controls the money he creates a ‘waiting period’ where a ‘complicated’ task has to be completed, like ‘finishing taxes.’ Afterwards he falls silent. Months go by and he’s hoping you go away, and if you call and insist on action, he tells outright lies, and yells and hangs up, and blames some external entity like the caller. He thinks the longer he postpones the issue, the more the money becomes his. It’s just common street theft, but cowardly because so far his disabled victims haven’t poked an eye like they would a mugger.

This behavior is vintage Larry Haynes. He used an appointment as Executor to reap over half the proceeds from our mother’s estate.

At first he was friendly and then came the ‘waiting period’ where he repeatedly lied and said he ‘couldn’t get information.’ Later when he was asked to finish the job he screamed at two disabled brothers and their sister, saying ‘all we wanted was the money.’ What reasonable choice is there for a person like this?

After four years of hearing that ‘we were causing the delay,’ an Indiana lawyer stepped on Larry's neck and put an immediate stop to the shenanigans. Larry sent the little shoebox of documents to the lawyer and the estate was completed a month later with a report that Larry had done nothing; except woe to the beneficiaries, Larry really was busy and edged out everybody financially. He took the bulk of the estate for himself. Larry Haynes then had the cheek to claim foul, saying we ‘put a pit bull on him.’ LOL. Put a clown hat on that man and flush the toilet.

Larry Haynes’ continuing refusal to resolve the DKH Trust, and use his public certification to stonewall us, clearly proves his intent to defraud and shows that legal intervention has not been enough to protect the interests of two disabled brothers and their sister.

Too bad our Maryland lawyer hasn’t chopped off Larry Haynes’ head over the latest Trust foolery, but Larry thinks he’s in a gopher hole that the prod can’t reach. Even when his wife and friend are threatened with a lawsuit, Larry continues unabated stonewalling while pretending to cooperate ... purposely acting this way because he knows we want to rid ourselves of his ilk, and to do otherwise would cost him the opportunity to sneak-thief another ten thousand.

The important thing to remember is that lawyers had to be hired both times Larry Haynes was entrusted to handle money for two disabled brothers and their sister. And both times he misappropriated money and lied about it. But isn’t ‘handling money’ what preparing taxes is all about? Why is an unethical person deciding what money is due our government? Why is an unethical person deciding what money is due two disabled brothers and their sister? That’s why I notified the IRS about Larry Haynes once so far, and I’m sharpening the pencil again.

It makes me wonder what he’s doing handling his aging father-in-law’s money … do you doubt he’s snickering himself a piece of the pie? I wonder how his wife and brother-in-law will respond when they discover a chicken-snake sucking out the nest egg and messing on the books to cover it? When they find out, Larry will run under a board, but the silly swindler will have egg on his face … I hope they enjoy as big a laugh as we have watching Larry pretend to be friendly, honest and competent while pathologically stealing from the infirmed.

This is absolutely the last time you will hear from me about this issue. If we don’t get our checks by next Nov 24, NOVEMBER TWENTY-FOUR 2005, not the 25TH or later, I will start writing the Baltimore BBB about TWO CPAs who think they can use their public certifications to cheat disabled people, and I will notify their neighbors and professional organizations and places of work and government offices (including the social security disability office who helps disabled people) about theft and fraudulent business practice, and I will not stop.

Gene Haynes