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Should you drain water heater when leaving home?
It is not best idea to drain tank since that causes rust inside tank... why? because the anode rod prevents rusted tank, but if tank is empty, there is no electrical connection between tank and anode.... so tank rusts.
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Away weekends -or- gone 6 months
  >  Should water heater be drained?
Yes. If water heater is old and could fail. Or if a failed tank will flood belongings or home. Install drip pan under heater.
No. The anode rod cannot protect tank from rusting unless water heater is full. Anode rods
  >  Should water be turned OFF?
Yes. Close water shut-off valve and open hot tap for a moment to relieve pressure. This action will protect home from possible flood if tank develops leak. Leaking water heater
  > Should power to water heater be turned OFF?
Yes, > if tank will not freeze.
No, > if tank can freeze > then turn thermostat down to lowest setting Or drain heater.
Another option is to install timer, and turn water heater ON for 1 hour every day. When returning home, simply remove off trippers from dial and set override to ON  24-hour repeat cycle timer
  >  Any problems when returning?
Possible odor problems inside tank after several weeks: turn off tanps for several minutes .. or drain a bit of water out of tank, and pour in 2 pints hydrogen peroxide. See information More info
Rare hydrogen build-up in tank after several weeks. Open faucet located at highest point in home, let hot run for minutes. If hydrogen is present, air will come out faucet. Do not turn on light switch that could cause spark until area is vented. Read about hydrogen  Read more

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