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Review Alexa
Alexa ... owned by Amazon... is a 'sevice' that tracks website rank, traffic flows, keywords etc.
The site pushes their 'advanced plan to website owners... non-stop push push push

They even hid their 'free' search under a drop down menu .. under Features, not resources
So expect the free search to disappear into the internet sewer of paid services and pop up advertisements...
Here's the link to free search March 2019:  https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo

But wait...
Suppose you decide to pay Amazon $149+ a month ...
... for ESTIMATED website metrics... ESTIMATED ... not exact, just a guess...
(probably after requiring the website to insert a snippet of code that steals your visitor and information via robot?)
And you have no way to check the validity of their results.
Do you get a guarantee that the ESTIMATE is withing 50% of target? Or 10%?
And of course after a few years, the site will become less profitable, so Amazon will be forced to cut labor and oversite of accuracy ...
It doesn't matter to them as long as they get the money, who cares?

... Anyway it seems to me, that's like paying a plumber for an ESTIMATE ...
(so he can steal your car?)
But for sure, you know if the toilet is working 100% of the time after paying the plumber.

Don't forget ... the rackets work same way as today's corporations ...
... headed by a greedy psychopath, they force out competitors, raise prices, hide motives and operation, then water down the concrete to increase profits
... and expect government to rescue them when the building falls down 15 years later.

It's not about people any more, or facts or truth or value... naw .... we're just cows in the meat packing plant