Misc scrawl notes from original manuscript
Half truths and illusion photoshopping
Beautiful beautiful Joli
These were the rough boys
Not big enough yet for
Littlerich but there were three of them
They were looking for a game
It was a matter of time before they caused a problem
There was a girl with them
Stayed in the background
Not particularly petty
There was another one
Light skinned
She appeared to have nice breasts
River Boy was attached to that one but never took the risk
Assuming it would be 5 to 6 that the tough boys would claim a share of
her just to jostle him for money or favor
He had nothing for them
There was another beautiful one around town
She was quiet and avoided problem
Church girl is what he called her in his mind
He touched her hand once
It was soft
She looked at h straight
like the skinny one who was angled it was hard to read her mood but it
would be a roust of girl if ever he risk hatching a move and took her
Usually People don't search the Side of a hill search the top and look
down they search the bottom and look up
He moved up to the side of the hill
He saw Louie the preach go inside
But there was nobody else in the car
That's when he saw another man coming around from the side
Don pencil
Dawn pencil
Randy pencil
Moon wisp
Startled running smooth down the road back
to Vickery
they intercept River Boy coming back from Churchail after River Boy runs
Death is dealt again.
billy Johnson and Harold cleaves
Big Mak, Top Hat and another big farm Negro rolled in fast, stopping at
the front.
two boys came out of the house, opened the trunk and threw in a life
sized bundle before the car twisted tires and dust as it leapt forward
in the night going to a forever-unknown deep-hole black water swamp.
The alligators bellowed a tune they sung before.
just then River Boy reached out and touched Maggie's arm, and she
screamed in terror and ran away into the darkness, stumbling further up
the hill until she caught her footing and ran up to the top of the
hill, climbed the fence and found her way home in the dark.
Inside, the men heard the scream. They jumped up and left.
The old man was still on the floor.
Boy backed deep into the brush, but could see the shadow of three men
running and the then the unlit car disappearing down the dark road
toward Black Town.
He would have to see about Maggie in the morning.
But Louie the preach had a visit coming.
The card of revenge would need to be spent on Crackling Green and Boy
It would cause turmoil
His voice sounded like gravel
Landslide of
River Boy
gravel sliding down a metal chute
The car was bouncing and banging itself across the field
bad it wasn't plowed crossways or they would have caught River Boy who
flew through the early corn fast as bird before reaching the fence line
and disappearing into the trees
Maybe he should have changed
direction again to throw off the pursuers but straight up the hill was
the shortest route to the next ravine and to the fallen tree that
spanned the gorge
Boy running
Half way up he could hear another car coming up the logging road that
ran across the ridgetop
so it had to be about him
How was possible they knew what direction he would chose or maybe just
Or maybe they were lost
It was going to be a timed event if they were after him
Powerful heavyball of a man
That flair is stain
He kept the white vernacular although he understood the black tongue
but never spoke it
A piece of everything went to the duo
people that start it think they will be remembered but are forgotten by history... they don't matter
The ones that do the fighting thank they have done something only to
find in the end they have done nothing
The families are gone the women have been broken by some other man
they are alone and worth little
The worst of a lot go to prison
They carry the scars on the flag forever and the worst of the lot go to
prison there is nothing more for them to do
That rattle around there an empty shell of a body trying to find
somewhere to fit
The rules change those that started it through think they are the
leaders are soon pushed out-of-the-way
the people that find it thank they are going to be remembered
Seething redcake of hate
As soon as Big Mac stepped out of the car The policeman turn the lights
Big Mak walk back to the car
end chapter 11 7-11-2018
He cared about his friend laying on the ground, but damn the
scarecrows, it was safer to stay in the shadows.
You ain't going to get off for nothing
just because it's your sister
At that point it was a 2 to 13 longshot
You can add sixes and sevens
all day long but that didn't sound right.
It was like River Boy was trying to save
his own mother from whoredom.
Too bad God doesn't sell that luxury to the pious any more than the
Reverend Diik
A few years later his wife
left him and then he
somehow committed suicide by tying his hands behind his back and
stabbing himself with a knife while wearing women's underwear
It was a strange case, nobody talked about it
Marete mcfarlaine
palace of defiled womanhood
and odd sexual purvey pervances
efficiency sells tickets to the parade of jackels
that night....
River Boy walked down the road to Blacktown. It was easier to follow
the road instead of cross the fields in the dark, besides the guys
would still be playing at Top Hat's.
It was a pleasant moment
dreaming of his time with Latchy and keeping his balance across the
rutted road, passing under the oak branches along the stone wall next
to the the old Miller Barn and downhill to Blacktown. he could see a
couple lights ahead at the old farmhouse.
The faint smell of early fall crept across the damp night.
Another quick mile and he was in Blacktown.
little town of run down shotgun houses and storefronts felt different.
There were no lights on, except at Top hat's. The men weren't standing
around the street. It was different.
River Boy grew wary and stepped
quickly away, checking behind him and wishing he could see farther down
the road ahead. It was okay but he stayed close to the side of the
road, constanting looking around, stopping momentarily to use his ears
for a sign somebody was nearby.
Reaching the last few houses at the end of town he started feeling
saw the outline of Abagail's house. He could see the red glow of a
cigarette on the porch. Mons sat out there at each night smoking her
home-rolled herb and tobacco mix.
River Boy usually spoke to her, but not tonight. It didn't seem right
for some reason.
Out of the darkness, Mons said, there's evil about tonight, Mayor.
He spoke back softly, it's River Boy.
What you think, I can't see your white ass at midnight?
River Boy laughed. Mons had such a lovely touch with words.
She said, go home. It's bad tonight. They're after you too.
There was nothing. All he saw was the end of Mons' cigarette draw
brighter for a moment.
River Boy quickly walked down the road, his mind racing, figuring he'd
better move off the road into the field.
Cuting out across the field in total darkness was liable to end up on
the horn of a bull.
got to the old cemetery and the moon came out. There were not many
stones left upright and the place was overgrown. He moved to the side
of the fence and waiting in the darkness to see if anybody was
following him. It was dead. No noise. No music. His nerves were getting
pressed, he had to get moving. The shack was about 3/4 mile.
By the time he got home, the fear washed off and he didn't wake Grandpa.
deputy jell Deputy drowns
The river could swallow whole trees in a rampage
It matters not to the river, devil or angel
It felt nothing when it swallow Billy Ray and quietly ignored
the men that tried to find his body
The story how they met might be one for the ledger but if anybody knew
nobody was talking
He was the white man's pocket in black town
Collecting rent making sure the men got off to work
He was mayor of sorts
He had two cars
Richest man in town
He also work for the duo
Protection moonshine providing prostitutes information
He kicked a profit to them just like he kicked up to the white man
All the money flows somewhere
it all goes uphill
How the world works
He sent payments to the duo but he never went himself
He never stall and let the duels man come to him
Sent the payment straightaway
He used River Boy to carry the money
Figuring a white man was better
The dual would be less likely to kill a white boy
The police less likely to stop him on the way
And they were smart because River Boy always took the payment during
the farm day
Ever at night never on weekends
Louie the preach kept one car clean and polished for hisself but the
other car dirty and dusty so it would be less suspicion on the road
They ran trade on their side of the rail
They took draw from the gambling the girls The push bootleg bail
Any by the river boat on the river had to pay somebody
Anybody that rented a house had to pay somebody
Anybody that needed the loan had to pay somebody
A piece of everything went to the duo
In returned they kicked up to the white players
Bigger and bigger fish eat the smaller fish
Other emotional issues at stake
Beat raw and lying on the floor of a jail cell
A note arrived at the front door
It was on a Sunday morning the rest of the family had gone to church
The note was for Maggie's father
He was a bit sick day and decided to stay home
He lost his friend And a part of him was never the same again
Couple years later he saw his friend Wilkins And walked up happily to see him always good to see him hi Wilkins
And was met with a stoneface
Wilkins crushed him the same way he did his friend
Both men carried the scars and burden of things larger than them and not their fault
Hunched over black man with a pen in his hand sitting in a stream of
Only at God's mercy did grandpa fade into peace
His chest his body convulsing trying to expel the water from his lungs
Two minutes two minutes and it went on
Stroll the fight his own body weakened and beaten by years of prison
and age
The remorse of god let grandpa die silently under water
In the river he loved that continued flowing without notice for the
latest black man got swallowed in the muddy water
Who all of them
River Boy I knew what that meant
Officer Jell
was a good man
Crackling Green, always the more thoughtful, said, you think you’re a
tough man against the constitution?
We told you that nobody goes against the law.
he ordered Louis to set him up in the chair.
Cracking pulled up a chair across from the old man.
Face to face he said, you came from my kin. My father was your brother.
But that doesn’t matter.
Crackling removed his tailored hat… then with a fury leaped forward
slapping the old man across the face with the hat.
Boy Johnson joined with clenched fists.
Louie the preacher was pretending to be eager to knock his old friend
How the hell could this old man cause so much trouble?
The old man had taken beatings in prison. This one meant nothing.
His face showed nothing.
He said nothing.
sat down again.
Tell us where you are getting the information.
Is it that white boy?
We won’t hurt him. We need to know who’s talking.
Everybody says it’s you. Who you talking to??
That’s all we want to know. And then everything’s ok.
See that’s how easy it is..
the preacher was wondering the same thing… how did this old man sit in
a little shack all day and talk to no one but know every damn thing
going on?
The old man never spoke when visiting town for groceries.
People saw him fishing but he always seemed to be on the other side of
the river from wherever they were.
Nobody except Maggie knew River Boy was living at the shack.
Before rb runs
The car was gunning the engine
For a minute it felt like home
He knew she was a wilder choice than trying to figure out how many
chocolate chips were in a cookie
Whitey slim walked by in a Top Hat
The police got scared someone was coming up from behind. so they left
Richard left
Run and leave the brother and sisters behind
Stay and take it again
Or finish his father
Lurid display of red carnality
Rolling onto her side she opened the container of butter and they're
prepared his late for her other whole
General thought her side to prepare herself for his entry
began rotating her hips Quaqua have a white shirt front of her tripping
access on the bad she urged came in word slowly slowly until the as he
began to enter push forward and backward five I am full motion
activated and reentering all the way and back-and-forth and muscular is
this play of red car now full leg was
And then out and then now all the way in and out in the most lurid
display of red carnalitysome sort of sore absorbed
She began rotate need her hips clockwise with ever widening circles
Urges and habits
being what they are, River Boy was a man and she was a woman of needs.
Discreet in her life in Trinity, Latchy took up charity and
entertained men from out of town. Many suited her favor and asked for
marriage. She remained unattached for reasons of simplicity, yet wanted
to find a new way. Unknown that she wanted release from the bedevilment
of her intermingled past, she sought peace. Church could never allow a
sinner to reveal without confession, but success at her own endeavor
would restore her faith.
Her kiss was so real and caring, River boy sate his deepest feelings inside of her.
Her aged but shapely body was
willing and experience at pleasuring a man
cared for men and let her aged but shapely body pleasure them fully
wrapping her legs around him and letting him thrust deep and as long as
he wanted slow or fast
Let him lick or offer himself to her mouth
Let him roll her over and joy the feeling of her mounds or put his
tongue wherever he wanted
River Boy runs
She saw herself as a little girl.
And then in school with her best friend.
Was it possible this note told the whole story of her life?
next line was different and she felt her husbands cold stare and lust
at her body, then saw herself free and was overwhelmed with the warmth
of the note.
The room filled with happiness and she heard the birds outside for the
first time.
a racket going in the garden and she hadn't noticed before. The gardner
was talking to another man, and the voices of the ladies cooking in the
kitchen. The floorboards of the room began to move like keys of a piano
that echoed the happiness of her house like musical notes.
wanted to drop the note and enjoy the feeling but
had to
read the next line where she saw her own vicarious detachment from the
things that she loved.
It was a dark and lonely
memory that
caused her to open the curtains and let in the light. It was the 3rd
floor window where her husband used to stand and look at the town
below. She kept the
curtains closed after returning from
Mobile and found herself there alone sometimes in the dark.
Not a person that wallowed in emotional outburst, she looked out the
window at the downtown church steeples.
Trinity needed her.