Have you noticed a pattern here? It's rather symbolic of the Republican
Whenever you quote big idears and factuals you never seem to quote a
source other than yourself - that's the habit that all Republicans seem
to have - they don't let the facts get in the way of belief [that they
are the best]
Which brings to mind the Republican debate from last week - where the
candidates discussed important issues like 'evolution.' Now these
idiots used a national platform to discuss evolution despite the
factual that none of them is a scientist or has been trained in any
scientific discipline.
So basically the Republican debate was not about facks - it was about
belief - because 'belief that the earth-is-the-center-of-the-universe'
is far more important than majar issues like global warming - because
thet-ther bibble never mentioned global warming a'tall.
I got to got eat some fruit to sort this out - oh - except that the
bees are disappearing globally and one fourth of our food supply is
under threat because bees are needed for pollination - and fruit and
vegetables may become scarce...
... which is why the idiot bibble-believin' Republican president said
that global warming (or any science) is not a national issue and
therefore not the responsibility of the presidency
- the republicans think arguments over evolution and marriage should be
more concerning to the public than scientific work to protect our food
Republicans obviously need to be voted off the planet - have a nice
trip to Neptune - I believe they accept dogs ... just in case the
innocent pooch has become as confused as its master
By the way, when you get to Neptune, look back at Earth and see if is
still in the center of the universe
Gene Haynes