
Control water heater with PID
Control water heater with RTD
PID temperature controller Digital controller... activated by thermocouple probe or RTD
Proportional Integral Dervative/ PID control
PID controller is activated by temperature-sensitive thermocouple or thermopile.
Use the PID to control any other circuit.
Best to use PID to control a contactor or relay instead of directly connecting load to PID
Use contactor or relay as shown in illustrations below
''Output actuator has a resolution of about 3%''.
So if temp setting on PID is 140° then actual temperature is 140° ±3% or 4.2° margin of error.

Using a separate contactor or relay that is rated for elements and motors allows millions operations without risk of overload and burnout of PID terminals.
PID Temperature controllers
Digital temperature controller
30 amp contactors
Omron relay
Solid State Relay Board for Arduino

Select breaker and wire size
Example wiring for PID

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