Auto renewal at Malwarebytes
So I opened a ticket ...
and asked how do you get rid of automatic renewal ??? ...
in other words, what are the specific steps to find the probably deeply hidden 'slidebar' somewhere in 'my account' ...
do you know what the answer was from malwarebytes tech support ?
He said he couldn't 'locate' my 'account' and therefore was unable to answer my question ....
meaning that either he didn't know the answer...
or the malwarebytes guy with access to your account information can't read ...
Which means malwarebytes gives the stupidist people access to your account ...
or is intentionally setting out to defraud you with the auto renewal...
All of which forces customers who want the product...
to blindly give up their personal information and payment information ...
so mawarewbytes can save it and 'protect it their secure server' ...
(using people who cannot read or are there to deceive)...
without understanding that 'saving our information' is the very risk most of us don't want to expose ourselves to ...
just so malwarebytes can automatically charge our 'accounts' for a renewal ...
at an undetermined price ...
during a time when auto renewals generally spike the price (which is unethical on its face) ...
without asking us if the renewal price is okay ...
or notifying us when they are undertaking that renewal (despite having our email in their server) ...
or allowing us to opt out of any of this baloney ...
UNLESS WE, the dip ship fool customers...
find a slidebar hidden somewhere in 'our account' ...
that the folks at malwarebytes can't say EXACTLY where it's located ...
You can't even search google and find the answer ...
which is why I opened a ticket to find the answer BEFORE I bought the product ...
which is why I am writing this after receiving such a dumase answer from malwarebytes...
what a crock of unethical dishonest shitpile this policy is ...
and anybody working for malwarebyte who happens to be free from robotic control will agree ...
along with rest of the world