Our need to exercise in free America

Here is my fundamental premise about gode / the world was made for people to exercise, explore, and see the natural beauty of everyday things / and to confound your observation that I am single-minded on issues, I also believe we should work hard at capitalist enterprise .... I think the world holds space for both
However there is no space left for people in america ... it's all locked up in private property and the only shared space available is set aside for people to race around aimlessly in motor vehicles. What a waste that parks are 30 miles away, accessible only by car, and there are few if any amenities left for people to discover the natural world.
On top of the 'single-mindedness' of car-world that cuts down all the trees, paves over every inch of land and drains the soil of moisture. It's sad to see the wildlife disappear. I had a cougar, two bobcats, and a peacock in my yard years past ... but haven't seen any wild (non aquatic) animals for years except for rabbits and a raccoon that I occasionally feed. And then after destroying every natural habitat, which is the bedrock basis for science, the authorities can't understand why nobody wants to major in science. People have to have jobs of course, but what is left aside for people to share of the world when the whole thing has been turned into a NASCAR racetrack. This is not free choice in my opinion.
Gene Haynes