Letter to Jennifer ... shadow ... July 29 2021

I don't have any odd allergies ... just a slew of life-ending maladies that haven't killed me yet (woke today with heart rate 45).

Holly and I watch TV together each night ... and are enjoying Netflix documentaries on lives of music people,...

Tonight they showed Natalie Cole singing with the voice-over of her father (Nat King Cole) ... her father was  gone so they dubbed him into the video .... and matched their voices perfectly ...

I don't know how the world works with a sudden and instant family ... especially since you have parents, and I'm just a shadow ... a shadow like Nat was singing with his daughter.

I've been trying to figure it out ... the instant family thing ... which is really just you but seems so much more to my dwarfy mind ...
I guess I'm saying that's how it feels.

Not much else going on here ... been slaving over my website ... gotten a lot of emails over the years saying how people appreciate the site ... and it pays a tiny commission from being Amazon affiliate...

I've been walking more this last week and the back feels good n fragile ... I go for PT in a week or so ...
To think a year ago I built new doors for the barn working in the hot sun with power saw and nail gun until July ... when I finished the project .... two days before pneumonia laid me to waste for two months ....
Lost half my right lung over that debacle ... and then 1 month later broke my first vertebra ... and since broke 4 more from coughing hard while clearing lungs... 

To sum it up ... I like ice cream ... what more can be said/

At least my fix-it projects are done .... top to bottom, I've fixed and painted everything .... so I can rest like ordinary 70 year old ... hurray

Gene Haynes