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Fonts do not work in Kompozer
This page was posted as a how-to for my ebook telling how to use Kompozer to write ebook.
In my ebook, I suggest using size 2 font, and as consequence instructions on this page are about using fonts and adding code that supports size 2 font.

Generally, my website is written in default medium font, and not size 2.

This is a photo of 2 fonts
Read my new book posted on Amazon
How to Write eBook using Kompozer

The problem is ... Some fonts do not work in Kompozer

Let's outline problem and possible sloutions.

When a font is functional, you highlight Kompozer text, and select font from dropdown menu located on toolbar:
Old English Text MT

And Kompozer changes the text.

Old English Text works, but some fonts do not work.
If a font does not work:
Solution 1: Go to Tools, options, then click Fonts, add checkmark in Allow document to use other fonts.

If problem persists?
Solution 2: You can add new fonts to your computer, such as Questrial.
earch internet for Questrial font. There are sites that offer free fonts or fonts for a price.

Typical method for adding new font to laptop or desktop computer:
Download font file from internet, extract and save to font folder located in Control Panel.
The new font will automatically appear among fonts next time Kompozer is opened.
After downloading four new fonts and extracting to Font folder, I discovered:
Questrial works fine in Kompozer, Firefox, Chrome, and Kindle Previewer.
Indie Flower works in Kompozer, firefox and chrome, Kindle Previewer, but not my other computer.

1942 Report and 28 Days Later do not work voluntarily in Kompozer, but work elsewhere.
These fonts also work in Notepad, and Wordpad, but do not successfully paste into Kompozer.
Even saving Notepad in .html, hoping to copy the code into Kompozer, the font goes back to default, and not to selected font.
Solution 3: To solve problem, we can add a bit of code.
READ carefully: Click on Source tab at bottom of Kompozer workspace.
Paste any of the following into Kompozer source code.
The technique I show on this page is about pasting directly into the source code of the Kompozer page you are working on... click the Source tab, at the bottom of workspace located next to Preview ...
Be careful: I do NOT recommend going into Kompozer settings and changing defaults. If you change defaults in Kompozer settings, be absolutely sure to note the defaults BEFORE changing anything. Why? If you change Kompozer defaults in settings, it will change EVERY page you work on, and if you have no record of original defaults, then you are stuck ...., I suggest copying Kompozer folder onto external hard drive, so if you later encounter a problem, then you have a fresh copy.
Also do not assume Kompozer will always be available, so a back up is essential.

Remember, for my book, I use Size 2 font, so my code includes size 2 as shown here.
<font size="+2">Extra large font</font>
This is standard code for making extra large font in Kompozer

Example code...
Add code for Old English Text MT in extra large font
<font size="+2">Old English Text MT</font>

How to: Hightlight your text in the source code then paste the following:

<font style="font-family: Old English Text MT;" size="+2">Old English Text MT</font>
The result is:
Old English Text MT
View this code right now on your browser: Ctrl+U on your keyboard and webpage code comes up .... somewhere around line 175...
Let's try 1942 Report using same code as Old English Text MC
<font style="font-family: 1942 Report;" size="+2">1942 Report</font>
<font style="font-family: 1942 report;" size="+2">1942 report</font>

Result, the code doesn't add correct font ???
Let's try a different way.

1942 Report in Kompozer default extra large size:
<font size="+2">1942 report</font>

1942 report in extra large size
<font size="+2"><span style="font-family: &quot;1942 report&quot;;">1942 Report<o:p></o:p></span></font>
<font size="+2"><span style="font-family: &quot;1942 Report&quot;;">1942 Report<o:p></o:p></span></font>

Result: this code works !!
Yes be careful, there are two ;; (colons) in the code.

Another example:

28 Days Later in default extra large font
<font size="+2">28 days in default extra large font</font>

28 days later in extra large font
<font size="+2"><span style="font-family: &quot;28 days later&quot;;"> 28 Days Later<o:p></o:p></span></font>
<font size="+2"><span style="font-family: &quot;28 Days Later&quot;;"> 28 Days Later<o:p></o:p></span></font>

Extra Extra large fonts are not available in Kompozer .... but you can make these Fonts in Google Docs and paste them into Kompozer.
Not every Google Docs font works in Kompozer.
For example, Merriweather size 48 will paste in default font only.
Note: Pasting text from another document writer will add code to your Kompozer code that is different than the code Kompozer writes for you. You can view this code on the Kompozer source tab, or in a browser using Ctrl+U. To avoid adding code, you paste without formatting, ... but the formatting is what you need to display the font from the other writer ... so a bit of FYI to avoid pasting from other sources if you are unsure or untrusting of the code added by another text writer.
You can continue typing with the font
Or change to agency FB or Brush Script MT

You can change font size

Note also that you can make very large Fonts in Word docx and paste them into Kompozer.
Not every Word docx font works in Kompozer.
For example, Magneto will work no matter if you paste from Googe Docs or Word docx.
You can continue typing..
Or change to Ariel
You can change font size
Read my new book posted on Amazon
How to Write eBook using Kompozer
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