Complaint about wireless internet

wow >> night after night we watch videos at full halt speed >>> 2-3 words and then stall >> well at least I can write down the information before more information inundates my computer

As your partner, I am very happy tech support took the report the other day ... and then they...??? ... yes, yes ... what did they do?

They must have done something. Let's see he asked me about recycling my equipment? He asked me about my computer? He asked me if I had wireless inside the house? Wow all the usual suspects ... which are 100% customer fault.

Thank god I have NOT gone wireless in my house or we partners would never know that the problem is your service. Thank god I have more than one computer so tech cannot explain how my computer is having problems. I woulda bought 3-4 different computers by now.

At least tech put me on hold >>> probably while he ascertained from headquarters that the customer is a pain in the arske for not assuming blame.

What did tech do? Solve the problem? Nope. Let's see, he probably wrote down a personality report to re-inforce the illusion that the customer is a complainer <> yes, throw off complainers, and there are no complaints <> eureka it's a chinese utopia for the upper crust

well beat me with a stick, comrad.

The service is subpar every night <> .... IS that why everybody turned up their nose when I mentioned IA at the neighborhood meeting the other day???

They must have seen the speekeasy speed dial >>>> whow 20,000 KB on the speed dial??????????? and we get whopping 200-400 KB while paying for whopping 1000 KB

Comrad comrad conrad > the free market is supposed to make excellent products, but IA looks like a bolshevik potato market.

Gene Haynes