Off the seat of a bicycle
We gonna tell yer wife

We gonna tell yer wife who yer fucking and then we gonna tell everybody how much you paid fer that truck… it’s the sweet slog slurry of the local code and this is why a sex charge carries so much political dynamite … this is why yer sex charge is a BIG-TIME meat-and-tater issue in America for discrediting people!!!

The government investigated Martin Luther King the same manner  … except MLK had mistresses and affairs  … but I never did … and the FBI finally decided that sex wasn’t a big enough issue during the 60’ to use against MLK in the political arena… these are the facts that have come out because of the open-records laws.

… but listen folks …. look at this … somehow in America, sex has become a major political tool for killing people socially … while drunk driving has remained a minor local issue … despite the fact that drunks KILL more people in one year than terrorists have killed in any ten-year period … drunks KILL more people in a single month than sex offenders have killed in any 20 year period.

SEX is political dynamite … it is HUGE … and our government has pushed that belief to the forefront of American conversation because it makes headlines and they can use it against immoral people like MLK and bicycle activists.

Index of chapters