Off the seat of a bicycle
Chapter 90
Do you want to hear the funniest thing about this whole episode… no, it’s not that they beat me until I bled green … it wasn’t that they took my friends or put me out of business.. or tried to stain me for life,, or that they did it to protect their drug payoffs…nope … it was better!

The whole time the State Police were throwing trash on me for wanting lane rights of a bicycle … the legislature was passing a law that mandates that vehicles must move to an outside lane or slow considerable whenever a cop has pulled somebody off the side of the road

You don’t need a steaming plate of beans to see that the police protect bicycles, and if the country reverted to wild-west, bicyclists would have to arm themselves to the teeth and preemptively shoot anybody coming their way.

Wealthy and powerful can call out the hounds
Only the beautiful, rich or notorious have sex tapes that matter.

A treadmill of conformity that diminishes everyone who fails to produce ever-increasing profit … at least as a goat-herder, your profit…but this is wrong … all societies are competitive and push change on their members to better make goat cheese

Index of chapters