How to wire SquareD pressure switch
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How to wire SquareD pressure switch
How much does it cost to run water well pump

240 volt Hour meter installed on pressure valve for 1 HP 2-person residential water well with light usage.
How to meter 240Volt water heater

After 12 days, the hour meter reading showed 3.5 hours
1 hp 735 Watts (start up amperage not included)
735 watts X 3.5 hours = 2572 wh = 2.572 Kwh per 12 days
Extrapolate for 1 year = 78 kwh per year @ 12 cents = $9.39 to operate pump for 1 year

UWZ48E-240V AC hour meter at Amazon
Intermatic bezel to support UWZ hour meter
Intermatic ac hour meters at Amazon

Square D pressure switch .pdf

Pumping Energy/Cost
The annual energy cost to pump water can be calculated from the following equation:
C = (DR/GPM) x HP x 4.5 x 0.08*           (2)
C = annual energy cost, dollars
DR = daily water requirement, gal
GPM = flow rate, gpm
HP = pump size, hp
4.5 = unit conversions
* 0.08 = assumed cost of electricity, $/kWh. This is a reasonable average cost of electricity. Use your actual electric rate if you know it.
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